Things You Know If You Couldn't Do Math To Save Your Own Life

Solidarity with those who struggle with simple math as much as I do.

  • Published in Funny
Things You Know If You Couldn't Do Math To Save Your Own Life

Math is hard for some people. I am one of those people. Long gone are the days where I was ashamed at just how bad I was at math. Okay, not that ashamed.

But I sure was envious of those kids who didn't struggle as much as me. Reading these posts made me feel less alone and also made me laugh. Mostly the latter.

This assortment of posts (idk how many there are, I can't count that high) will hopefully make you feel better about sucking at math. Or at least help you see the humour in it!

Just remember, no matter how bad you think you are; I will always be worse.

Decimals sure knew how to over-complicate things

Decimals sure knew how to over-complicate thingsBuzzFeed

Gotta check it all on a calculator, just in case

Gotta check it all on a calculator, just in caseBuzzFeed

True fame

True fameBuzzFeed

The most important lesson of all

The most important lesson of allBuzzFeed

So glad when calculators had enough letters to write more than just "boobs"

So glad when calculators had enough letters to write more than just BuzzFeed



Reason enough not to have kids?

Reason enough not to have kids?BuzzFeed

No thanks

No thanksBuzzFeed

An interesting analogy but very relatable

An interesting analogy but very relatableBuzzFeed

"See you calcuNEVER" - me walking out of math class for the last time


Tips are a challenge

Tips are a challengeBuzzFeed

Would be useful, but considerably less fun

Would be useful, but considerably less funBuzzFeed

The ONLY good use for math

The ONLY good use for mathBuzzFeed



No one has broken my heart like simple arithmetic

No one has broken my heart like simple arithmeticBuzzFeed

This logic has never worked for me, but will I stop doing it? No.

This logic has never worked for me, but will I stop doing it? No.BuzzFeed

Okay true

Okay trueBuzzFeed

Finally, the truth as to why I suck at math!

Finally, the truth as to why I suck at math!BuzzFeed