Redditor Tells Off Racist Cousin For Suggesting That She's Dating Her Boyfriend For Citizenship

Her family wants her to marry this cousin.

Redditor Tells Off Racist Cousin For Suggesting That She's Dating Her Boyfriend For Citizenship

It's always sad to see that a family doesn't get along well because your family members are supposed to be the most important people in your life who will be there by your side even when no one else is. We don't get to choose our family so it's important to do your best to maintain a good relationship with your family members.

No one can deny the fact that family is important but sometimes your family members might be so toxic for you, to the point where cutting off contact with that person might be the best thing to do. Unfortunately, this is a sad reality for a lot of people whose families aren't as supportive and loving as they should be.

This Reddit user recently found herself in a situation where she was under a lot of pressure from her family members during a housewarming ceremony for her aunt. She first explains that her relationship with her parents isn't that great and that she was raised by her aunt and uncle who are a lot more liberal than the rest of her family.

She has a boyfriend who's a different race and her family member were always open about the fact that they didn't support this relationship. During a recent family gathering for her aunt's housewarming ceremony, OP was going through the regular interrogation by her family members about her life and how things were going, and her aunt brought up the topic of marriage.

The aunt subtly hinted at the fact that her son was interested in marrying her and that he was doing great in life. The aunt's son heard what they were talking about as he was walking into the room and he made a comment about how OP was with her boyfriend just so she could get citizenship.

After a few more similar comments, OP flipped and told off her cousin in front of everyone. OP shared this story on Reddit because she felt bad about what she did, especially since she felt like she betrayed the aunt and uncle who raised her since this made them look bad.

OP started off the story by explaining that her family doesn't approve of her boyfriend because he's from a different race

OP started off the story by explaining that her family doesn't approve of her boyfriend because he's from a different raceu/Spirited_Trouble6412

Even though her family is a bit toxic, OP tries her best to make time for family gatherings

Even though her family is a bit toxic, OP tries her best to make time for family gatheringsu/Spirited_Trouble6412

It was a standard family interrogation until her aunt joined the conversation

It was a standard family interrogation until her aunt joined the conversationu/Spirited_Trouble6412

Her cousin, who's interested in marrying her, chipped in a with a comment about her dating her current boyfriend

Her cousin, who's interested in marrying her, chipped in a with a comment about her dating her current boyfriendu/Spirited_Trouble6412

He continued taunting her on this subject until she blew her top and responded with a simple yet effective phrase

He continued taunting her on this subject until she blew her top and responded with a simple yet effective phraseu/Spirited_Trouble6412

OP shouted this out and the entire family heard her

OP shouted this out and the entire family heard heru/Spirited_Trouble6412

A bit more information about the story

A bit more information about the storyu/Spirited_Trouble6412

Thirst for drama

Thirst for dramau/Significant_Win6431

A warm welcome

A warm welcomeu/NomadicSwordsman

The cousin seems jealous about the situation

The cousin seems jealous about the situationu/Visualhighs_

It's sad to see that OP's family members see no issue about talking about her boyfriend like this but she didn't let it slide this time. The people of Reddit were full of support in the comments and they reassured OP that she did nothing wrong.

We've heard from Reddit, and now it's your turn to share your opinion.
