"Marriage Story" On Netflix Is A Serious Drama But It Has Provided Us With Some Unintentionally Hysterical Memes
The real question is, "why wouldn't such hilarious memes come from such a serious movie?"
- Published in Funny
Director Noah Baumbach's latest is one of his greatest. A Marriage Story, viewable on Netflix, is an intense emotional roller coaster about the divorce of a stage director and his actor wife.
The emotional movie conveys how divorce impacts the whole family, including the kids and does not leave out the complex legal components or financial frustrations that all come as part of the divorce package.
Prior to the full release of the film, a snippet was released without context. The snippet became playdoh in the hands of Internet meme enthusiasts who have taken it and run utterly wild.
Already, the film has won awards and been nominated for others, but seeing Adam driver in this scene was almost too much for folks to handle. The meme fallout has been delicious.
Prior to viewing the film, one has so many questions.
SophyRomvariNamely, we're wondering if it's supposed to be serious, powerful, or amusing over-acting?
It's supposed to be powerful.
TwitterAlas, this is the Internet we're talking about here.
So, naturally, people crossed over "A Marriage Story" and "Star Wars."
GabuszkaaAnd let's not forget the impact of Baby Yoda.
We apologetically love Baby Yoda Memes.
ben_rosenI'm not even mad.
ditzkoffHowever, Star Wars references or not, this scene is being meme'd to high hell and back.
media_marshallIt's got something for E V E R Y O N E
trebhanThis one is hilariously specific to another meme.
olivemcgowenWell, this is a conversation.
bryanyangA valid point.
TownTattleWe love Kylo Ren.
dunwaIlTo be fair, since when doesn't the Internet enjoy taking a beloved meme format and using it elsewhere?
MikeWTrappKinda specific but ok
_EdgarVargas_I'M ACTING TOO
Ow, it hurts in my feels.
benduartesoloOh no you didn't!
Oh.. Okay.
Be gentle, they're in their feels.
I actually cannot stop laughing at this one.
ditzkoffAnd, I see what you did there. Nice.
GarrettMcDowel1Have you seen A Marriage Story? Or just the memes? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section now!