Man Refuses To Clean Litter Box For A Cat His Girlfriend Got Without His Approval, Gets Called Selfish
"She acts like we never agreed that I wouldn’t have to take care of her"
- Published in Animal Stories
Litter boxes are essential to your cat's daily life. Due to the fact that cats can be highly particular about their toileting habits, these cats require a suitable area where they can relieve themselves.
The ideal cat tray is one that is clean, has the right size, depth, and form, and is placed discreetly. Even among cat aficionados, cats aren't always the easiest animals to take care of.
They begin scraping their claws over your eyelids very early in the morning to wake you up so you can feed them. If they don't like their litter, they'll let you know right away, and occasionally they'll do this by peeing all over your house.
But then, they will utilize the litter box automatically if there aren't any behavioral or health problems. It’s a no-brainer that the cat’s litter boxes ought to be cleaned from time to time, and that is what brought about today’s story.
Well, the AITA subreddit community once again received a story from a Redditor named u/throwaway5654785. This Redditor talked about how his girlfriend wanted to get a cat, but he made it clear to her that he wouldn’t be helping out as he was not interested in getting a pet.
Apparently, the OP’s girlfriend agreed, and fast forwards to three months later, when she complains that the OP doesn’t help out in cleaning the cat’s litter box.
This Redditor wants to know if he's at fault for refusing to clean the litter box
u/throwaway5654785I told her when she got her that she wasn't my problem
u/throwaway5654785Comments by Redditors were in support of the OP and we've gathered some of the most upvoted replies for you below.
She needs to do the litter
RedditIt's a huge red flag when a partner goes back on their words
RedditFrom a cat lover
RedditIt's her cat and it's her responsibility as agreed
RedditYou made your stance known at first and she agreed
RedditThis Redditor believes the OP is very nice and here's why
RedditThis Redditor's wife has been cleaning from day one
RedditThis Redditor can't stand people who want animals but expect others to clean up
RedditThis Redditor also made the stance known on time
RedditThere are self cleaning boxes if the OP's girlfriend is tired
RedditDoesn't matter who works longer hours
RedditIs it possible that there is a miscommunication here?
RedditShe really needs to decide if having a cat is worth it
RedditOne of the people who don't deserve to have a pet
RedditA series of stories from these Redditors
RedditYou don't want to be responsible for its care
RedditIt is cheaper than a failed relationship
RedditThis Redditor won't live with anyone who won't allow cats
RedditGive it time and you will too
RedditAgreements can always be reviewed
RedditAn agreement is an agreement unless both parties decide to sit down and adjust some terms. The OP was supported by Redditors, and they made it clear that people who force pet responsibilities on others do not deserve a pet.
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