50 Memes That Show What Life's Really Like When You Share A Home With Cats

Cats may be the masters of the house, but that's part of the fun.

  • Published in Animals
50 Memes That Show What Life's Really Like When You Share A Home With Cats

If the internet had an MVP, memes would be it. From deep thoughts to cute animal antics, there's a meme for every mood.

And just like the world around us, memes keep changing over time. Back in 1976, the word 'meme' was born. Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, put two and two together and came up with the term by combining the Greek word 'mimēma' (which means 'imitated') and the English 'gene.' Little did he know that this word he created would become an internet phenomenon!

In his book 'The Selfish Gene,' Dawkins described memes as the cultural equivalent of a gene - it's passed on from person to person, carries information, and, like so many of our beloved internet memes, can change along the way. We guess you could say that Dawkins started a snowball effect of meme-ing!

We've got the OG's like Pepe, Kermit, and Doge, and new ones popping up every day. If you're looking for some fresh meme material, Meow Incorporated is the place to be.

This Facebook page is dedicated to our fur-covered friends, and it's full of relatable, funny, and heartwarming content. It doesn't matter if it's their adorably tiny paws or their grumpy faces - there's always something meme-worthy happening with cats.

So get your laugh on and check out Meow Incorporated!

1. That's wonderful

1. That's wonderfulmeowLTD

2. Classic dad

2. Classic dadmeowLTD

3. Building a nest

3. Building a nestmeowLTD

4. Out camping

4. Out campingmeowLTD

5. Bye

5. ByemeowLTD

6. Yes, it all makes sense now

6. Yes, it all makes sense nowmeowLTD

7. How?

7. How?meowLTD

8. The usual suspect:

8. The usual suspect:meowLTD

9. Every day, for five years...

9. Every day, for five years...meowLTD

10. So jealous...

10. So jealous...meowLTD

11. Love it

11. Love itmeowLTD

12. Better apologize

12. Better apologizemeowLTD

13. Bending the rules

13. Bending the rulesmeowLTD

14. Cats in prison

14. Cats in prisonmeowLTD

15. Paris is nice

15. Paris is nicemeowLTD

16. Lessons

16. LessonsmeowLTD

17. Zoom cats

17. Zoom catsmeowLTD

18. Michael Meowers

18. Michael MeowersmeowLTD

19. Cat coat

19. Cat coatmeowLTD

20. Needs some rest

20. Needs some restmeowLTD

21. Found

21. FoundmeowLTD

22. Dig in

22. Dig inmeowLTD

23. Organizing

23. OrganizingmeowLTD

24. The cat is always the star of the show

24. The cat is always the star of the showmeowLTD

25. Perfecting the art

25. Perfecting the artmeowLTD

26. Solar eclipse

26. Solar eclipsemeowLTD

27. Foretold

27. ForetoldmeowLTD

28. It is a good representation

28. It is a good representationmeowLTD

29. Better

29. BettermeowLTD

30. 5 stars

30. 5 starsmeowLTD

31. The only one

31. The only onemeowLTD

32. Familiar..

32. Familiar..meowLTD

33. She knows...

33. She knows...meowLTD

34. Update

34. UpdatemeowLTD

35. Desk buddy

35. Desk buddymeowLTD

36. Nope

36. NopemeowLTD

37. A good life

37. A good lifemeowLTD

38. A Hero

38. A HeromeowLTD

39. Self portrait

39. Self portraitmeowLTD

40. Where is my cat?

40. Where is my cat?Twitter

41. A poem

41. A poemmeowLTD

42. Oh, dad...

42. Oh, dad...meowLTD

43. Blinking towel

43. Blinking towelmeowLTD

44. Observation

44. ObservationmeowLTD

45. Eyes only

45. Eyes onlymeowLTD

46. They do that...

46. They do that...meowLTD

47. Bending the rules

47. Bending the rulesmeowLTD

48. Only in the sunlight

48. Only in the sunlightmeowLTD

49. Biological cat

49. Biological catmeowLTD

50. Shoutout to cats

50. Shoutout to catsmeowLTD

51. Special times for cat people

51. Special times for cat peoplemeowLTD

Life with cats is like an adventure in cute chaos! They can make your day with their snuggles and purrs and then completely turn it upside down with their mischievous antics.

But at the end of the day, you wouldn't trade them for anything. After all, who else would keep you entertained with their silly games and give you those adoring glances to make you melt?

Cats may be the masters of the house, but that's part of the fun.
