Redditors Are Sharing Things That People Don’t Realize Are Actually Huge Scams, And Here Are 30 Of Them

There are certain things in life that turn out to be simply ridiculous or even absurd.

Redditors Are Sharing Things That People Don’t Realize Are Actually Huge Scams, And Here Are 30 Of Them

Life, as you may know, can be truly unfair. However, not every person actually agrees with this fact.

Many individuals believe that tolerating individual issues and inconveniences and underestimating them is a sort of common agreement, enshrined in the past years of human silence. But now is a different time.

People are more enlightened than ever and they are ready to voice their thoughts. For sure, there are countless odd things in our daily existence that we simply become acclimated to and therefore take for granted.

However, if you look at the situation from a different perspective, certain facts, customs, things, or services will appear to be essentially insane or even silly. On the other hand, let’s just say what it is in plain words: a total scam. 

There is a certain thread on the Reddit platform whose creators gather comments about the greatest scam in life that nobody seems to admit. This particular thread has already received more than 52K upvotes and accumulated over 36K comments.

A portion of the comments look so ridiculous, but still, a large number of them simply have a piece of truth. We’ve gone ahead to make an organized list of the most upvoted comments for you to read through, so go ahead and get entertained. 

More info: Reddit

1. Health insurance that doesn't cover dental care

1. Health insurance that doesn't cover dental careOldDust8123, Iain Cameron

2. The whole tipping culture thing

2. The whole tipping culture thingMrtw33tums, Tzuhsun HsuR

3. Religion is on the list

3. Religion is on the listrabengeieradlerstein, Karl Baron

4. Add in the entire wedding industry

4. Add in the entire wedding industryJ-ShapedNerd, Chris Waits

5. All the promises of a golden retirement

5. All the promises of a golden retirementMr_Bob_Ferguson, aco pbc

6. The church and everything that is connected to the church

6. The church and everything that is connected to the churchinvalidpassword, shankar s.

7. Even if it worked, it would still be a trickle

7. Even if it worked, it would still be a trickleBarcodeNinja, James Droste

8. Will diamonds last forever?

8. Will diamonds last forever?Puppycow, Julian FongRm

9. It's so easy to join but try getting out first

9. It's so easy to join but try getting out firstanon, BTC Trinkets .com

10. The salary scam has lasted for far too long

10. The salary scam has lasted for far too longTheSameButBetter, Victorian Chamber

11. Subscribing to emails is a scam

11. Subscribing to emails is a scammoonman2090, Mario A. P.

12. The climate change is up to each individual

12. The climate change is up to each individualRobust_Rooster, majunznk

13. This particular one is just too much of a scam but then...

13. This particular one is just too much of a scam but then...nathanielgallant, Chambre des Députés

14. Who says getting old gives you more wisdom?

14. Who says getting old gives you more wisdom?De_chook, Hajime Nagahata

15. Everything about insurance and everything related to insurance

15. Everything about insurance and everything related to insuranceBangbangsmashsmash, Hobbies on a Budget

16. Will this question ever get an accurate answer?

16. Will this question ever get an accurate answer?Fandoms_local_Kiwi, Conall

17. This appears to be the life we live every day

17. This appears to be the life we live every dayOrwellianZinn

18. Fashion and the entire fashion industry

18. Fashion and the entire fashion industryGoriuk, rjp

19. When global companies declare care for their customers

19. When global companies declare care for their customersFlashPan73, Bycroft Boy

20. The convenience fees we pay online

20. The convenience fees we pay onlineVast-Anxiety-4066, Michigan Municipal League

21. Talking about glasses, particularly the expensive ones

21. Talking about glasses, particularly the expensive onesNightblast420, Charles16e

22. Louder do the people at the back can hear you

22. Louder do the people at the back can hear youAwkward_Aardvark_975

23. Talking about the ticketmaster

23. Talking about the ticketmasterbigsz, nerdy girl

24. When you need a college degree for most high-level jobs

24. When you need a college degree for most high-level jobsMrKirkPowers

25. Taxes and all that concerns taxes

25. Taxes and all that concerns taxesdogpupkus, Tom Hilton

26. The prices of baby products

26. The prices of baby productsCarvedWatermelon, INGURALDE

27. Advertisements on a paid television

27. Advertisements on a paid televisionmartram_, Rafael Castillo

28. Recycling is on the scam list too

28. Recycling is on the scam list toopserenity

29. The ticket policy by airlines

29. The ticket policy by airlineswaitihaveaface, Berbal Saborio

30. You got to hustle everyday

30. You got to hustle everydayBenjaminoBob, I am R.

You’ve gone through this post, and I’m sure you certainly agree with something there. You’ll object plainly to something there, and you'll also want to drop your comments about certain things you feel are scams as well.

So go right ahead and type away in the comments below. Make sure to share it with your family and friends as well.
