LGBTQ+ Community Are Sharing Childhood Photos Before They Officially 'Came Out' But Were Very Much Already Their Own Selves
This is the positive LGBTQ+ content that I needed to see

If you have a lot of gay friends (or a lot of LGBTQ+ friends) you'll be very familiar with their coming out stories. Some are hilarious, others not so much - but today we are focussing on the cool, funny and uplifting stories.
My best friend is gay man. He came out where we are around 22, but he knew he was gay long before that. He is one of 6 siblings, 5 of whom are boys. Very, very 'stereotypical' boys. He often talks about going to watch his brother's football games where he would make pompoms and take a World Book Encyclopaedia to read on the sideline.
They'd play football as he planned itineraries for future travel. He was cultured, even back then. He's also talked about wearing his grandmothers high heels as a child - under the pretence of 'playing dress-ups' - which I firmly feel prepped him for a life of drag-shows (an avenue he has not yet pursued, but would be great at).
Born Gay, Born This Way is an LGBTQ+ blog that shares childhood photos and stories of the LGBTQ+ community. The blog says its aim is to reflect on childhood, memories and early beginnings of its LGBTQ members' innate selves. Check out some of their very best posts below!
A 'fixer'
“Back when I wanted to be a ‘fixer’ and my wardrobe consisted mainly of cargo pants and dragon T-shirts. I’m currently sitting here in basketball shorts and a Spiderman T-shirt, so I really shouldn’t judge younger me’s fashion sense. I think exactly no one was surprised when I came out.”

Werk it!
“Think this about sums it up…”

"Walking and already fabulous"

“1992: I used to build shelves with my dad, but only while wearing my Mickey construction shirt and with stamps on my arms to represent tattoos. Grew up to be very gay.”

The family never caught on!
“My Halloween costume when I was in fifth grade! I wanted to be a girl that year so bad. I was 10… and somehow my family didn’t catch on! Lol.”

Sassy from the get-go.
“I’m the sassy lion in the front.”

This is beautiful.
“When I was a little boy, I was allowed to play with dolls. After I came out to my family I asked my mom why she let me and she simply said ‘You wanted them so bad and I wanted to make you happy.’ Clearly from my face you can tell I was happy.”

Ask them why they didn't!
“Here’s my baby lesbian picture circa 1999. I was really hoping my parents would use this as a headshot, I still don’t know why they didn’t.”

Brand new information... not!
“Me: I’m gay. / Parents: What? No you’re not."

Ok, sweetie.
“I would vacuum the carpet while wearing this. And I called myself Jeanette. #DragQueenAspirations"

Queen Of The Night, indeed!
“Me around 4 or 5, dancing to Whitney Houston’s ‘Queen of the Night.’ I still love that song.”

“What can I say? I have a flair for the dramatics.”

“I brokebacked before Brokeback.”

Leather through the ages...
“I look so fucking stoked. Transguy who still now wears a leather jacket and killer glasses.”

Not mad about it!
“I don’t quite remember why I did this, but I mean…I wasn’t mad, check out that smile.”

What gave it away?
“I’ve always wondered why my parents thought I was gay. Now I know why…”

“Came across this picture a couple years ago and couldn’t quite believe it. I’ll let it speak for itself. #babybutch”

Just a shy boy.
“Very embarrassed I wasn’t wearing Andrew Christian briefs.”
