Teacher Shares Hilarious Letter That Her 8-Year-Old Students Wrote To God

The innocence some kids have is almost too good to be true

  • Published in Funny
Teacher Shares Hilarious Letter That Her 8-Year-Old Students Wrote To God

A third-grade teacher recently asked her sweet students to pen a letter to God. Keep in mind, third-grade students are between 8-10 years old depending on where in the world you live.

Typically, class activities like this would not ever be made public and would remain in the walls of the classroom (or possibly make it home in the child's backpack for the parents to see). Fortunately, Twitter user @GospelJosiah got a hold of some of these letters and shared them with the internet.

It's also important to consider that famed Swiss child-development professional, Jean Piaget, theorises that children don't fully grasp the concept of God until they're much older and mostly see him as a super-sized magical version of their parents.

Check out the sweet letters below!

"Only 4 people... and I can never do it"


There's an idea!

There's an idea! GospelJosiah

Makes sense...

Makes sense... GospelJosiah



Was it a mistake?

Was it a mistake?GospelJosiah

No intention to offend!

No intention to offend! GospelJosiah

How do you do it?

How do you do it?GospelJosiah

We're sick of the old ones!

We're sick of the old ones! GospelJosiah

New shoes!

New shoes! GospelJosiah

Spill the beans!

Spill the beans! GospelJosiah

I doesn't sound right...

I doesn't sound right... GospelJosiah

Who is it????

Who is it????GospelJosiah

How far back?

How far back?GospelJosiah

Is that ok?

Is that ok?GospelJosiah

Except money...

Except money... GospelJosiah

Pick a different day!

Pick a different day! GospelJosiah

This is one we'd all like to know!

This is one we'd all like to know! GospelJosiah

Is it a trick?

Is it a trick?GospelJosiah

Where are they before that?

Where are they before that?GospelJosiah

Oh, Danny!

Oh, Danny! GospelJosiah

You're the bomb

You're the bomb GospelJosiah