Reddit Calls Out Woman For Returning Her Large Breed Dog To Shelter To Comply With Her Girlfriend's Wish Before Moving In With Her
"I don't trust anyone who treats an animal as disposable like that."
A 27-year-old reluctantly adopted a large breed dog from a shelter to stop her sister from constantly pestering her. OP has to give Layla up if she wants to move in with her girlfriend.
Aria told OP she can't move in if she doesn't rehome Layla. Aria has two indoor cats who are deathly afraid of dogs.
OP was understanding of her girlfriend's ultimatum. She is a little frightened by Layla as well, but she remains hesitant because of how her sister could react to Layla's return to the shelter.
Her sister Carrie lives in a small, one-bedroom apartment with three large-breed dogs. OP said her sister pressured her for months to adopt a dog.
OP wanted to adopt a smaller dog when they visited shelters, but Carrie argued how large dogs deserve love despite society's prejudice against them. That was how OP ended up with Layla.
Carrie thinks OP's girlfriend crossed a line when she asked her to give Layla up. She said Layla mattered more than OP moving in with Aria.
OP shamelessly admitted that she has been looking for an excuse to rehome Layla anyway. Layla did what most bored dogs do: she acted out by ruining OP's furniture.
OP texted her sister that she ultimately decided to return Layla to the shelter. Carrie was devastated and immediately called OP.
She cried and asked OP "not to give up on her poor innocent baby."
Carrie accused OP of being heartless for ditching Layla when she knew she doesn't have room for another large dog in her small apartment
OP told her sister the decision was hers and brought Layla back to the shelter
Carrie took her grievances to social media. OP got disparaging messages from family and friends for giving up on her dog just to move in with her girlfriend.
Aria and OP's parents are on her side, but her sister's complaints started to get to OP.
Redditors voted that every person in OP's story sucked
Layla deserves to be with better owners
See? This is why responsible dog owners do a ton of research on their own before adopting a dog. You can't rely on anecdotes and beliefs of other pet owners alone.
OP should sit with her guilt because this situation she found herself in is her fault
She had so many opportunities to do the right thing
Expensive_Shelter_87, ConsistantError
OP did clarify that she returned Layla to a no-kill shelter
No-Lettuce-1845, ConsistantError
OP should first admit to herself that allowing herself to be pressured into adopting an animal she didn't want was a cowardly move
She can avoid this in the future by thinking for herself instead of allowing other people in her life to make choices for her
The only good thing is, Layla will have another shot at finding owners who will be good to her
OP can't do anything about her sister's feelings
They can all rest assured that her girlfriend's cats will remain safe and that Layla will soon be with better owners.
OP got pummelled in the comments for giving up on her dog so easily. She readily admitted to looking for an excuse to return Layla to the shelter, and moving in with her girlfriend was a convenient one.
She should admit that she was an unfit dog owner. Layla's behavior was not her fault, and OP should stop saying she was a bad dog to make herself feel better for giving her up.