Woman Thought Her Cat Hated The Snow But Turns Out Her Cat Actually Loves It

This is one of those times when fur parents regret doing something for their pet.

  • Published in Animals
Woman Thought Her Cat Hated The Snow But Turns Out Her Cat Actually Loves It

Have you ever been in a situation when you're so sure about your pet and how will they react to things? Or were you expecting something that they will do, thinking it will actually happen, but it turns out you are wrong? Well, you are definitely not alone.

Pets can be demanding sometimes especially if they really want something. Regardless of whether it is food, a toy, or just some petting, they just would not let the day go by without having things their way.

For some pet owners, this can be quite frustrating, but the satisfaction they see from giving what their pets want, and the love they receive from them are enough for these fur parents to do their commands. But does it always turn good?

Meet this Reddit user named euclidiandream who thought her cat, Daisy, will choose to stay inside their house during winter if she let her experience what snow feels like. Yet, the opposite thing happened and she must deal with it every winter afterward.

Redditors even demanded "cat tax" for this cute cat who got her owner wrapped around her paws, eventually spending her time with windows open. Please scroll down to read her story and her cat's adventure in the snow.

The usual closed doors scene.

So my cat, like many indoor kitties, has dreams of what it's like beyond the front door. Since she was kitten, an open door has been seen as a dare. 

Throughout the years that her cat stayed inside their house, she was confident enough that she would not stay outside of her comfort zone. However, she did not anticipate things to change years after they moved to a place with actual seasons.

The usual closed doors scene.Reddit/euclidiandream

When your assumptions went the other way around.

She was definitely surprised to find out that Daisy does not hate the snow. Instead, she loves it more than anything and would even demand the door to be open for her so she could play with the snow.

"She's decided she ******* loves snow! She'll sit in the window and watch it all day."

When your assumptions went the other way around.Reddit/euclidiandream

The moment when she finally accepts her defeat.

I'm sitting here with the door open, letting the ******** snow in so my cat can knock snow off of plants, and I am so ashamed to be in this **** of my own design. She's so lucky she's cute."

The moment when she finally accepts her defeat.Reddit/euclidiandream

#1 Change of ownership.

#1 Change of ownership.Reddit/kittyfranks

#2 We need proofs!

#2 We need proofs!Reddit/Azukzix

#3 Pay it as soon as possible.

#3 Pay it as soon as possible.Reddit/TheButteryWildeBeest

#4 Try taking the snow inside instead of letting her out.

#4 Try taking the snow inside instead of letting her out.Reddit/SummerAndTinklesBFF

#5 You're not the only victim of cat's weirdness in snow.

#5 You're not the only victim of cat's weirdness in snow.Reddit/crazygirl

#6 A hack from someone with a snow lover cat.

#6 A hack from someone with a snow lover cat.Reddit/Beradicus69

#7 Your tax please.

#7 Your tax please.Reddit/Stardust_and_Shadows

#8 Reminding you again.

#8 Reminding you again.Reddit/thuggerymuffingham

#9 The attorney's asking for your tax.

#9 The attorney's asking for your tax.Reddit/DistractedAttorney

#10 Once they experienced it, they'll ask for more.

#10 Once they experienced it, they'll ask for more.Reddit/foxwaffles

#11 The urgency.

#11 The urgency.Reddit/datpenguin101

#12 The cat-throwing ceremony.

#12 The cat-throwing ceremony.Reddit/Jappy_toutou

#13 Cat doors, anyone?

#13 Cat doors, anyone?Reddit/opulent_occamy

#14 Getting louder.

#14 Getting louder.Reddit/pockled

#15 This is unbelievable.

#15 This is unbelievable.Reddit/rocketmanx

#16 Opposite of your cats.

#16 Opposite of your cats.Reddit/dulcian_

#17 Hearing the same cry in here.

#17 Hearing the same cry in here.Reddit/corndoginc

#18 Bet the cat won't be out for some time.

#18 Bet the cat won't be out for some time.Reddit/McDuchess

#19 Danger zone.

#19 Danger zone.Reddit/SakuraTacos

#20 Cat's missing the cold days.

#20 Cat's missing the cold days.Reddit/datacollect_ct

It's interesting to know that cats can love such cold weather, especially snow. But fur parents also see to it that their fur babies are safe even if they want them to enjoy and have fun in the snow.

This experience is a new adventure for both of them, adding to their wonderful memories together. Some owners sacrifice for their fluffy companions' happiness.

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