Teen Sparks Outrage After Revealing Plan To Snatch Little Sister's Beloved Cat When Moving Out

“She’s too young to properly care for a cat anyway!”

Teen Sparks Outrage After Revealing Plan To Snatch Little Sister's Beloved Cat When Moving Out

Our narrator’s (Original Poster) house was bustling with life—feline life, to be exact. At eighteen, she found herself cohabitating with their parents, seven-year-old sister, and an impressive collection of four cats. 

The feline family included Joey, Vesper, and their two adorable kittens. Initially, the plan was to rehome the kittens because, let's face it, four cats can be a handful. 

However, OP’s mom quickly fell head over heels for the little furballs and convinced their dad to keep them—and that’s how they became a family of eight—four humans and four cats. 

Funny how the feline party started with a single cat—Joey. Although he was meant to be their sister’s pet, he chose OP as his favorite human. 

This cat made it his mission to shadow their every move and even perched on their shoulders as if they were his personal human tree. So, it shouldn’t have come as a shock when OP declared she wanted to take Joey and Vespa along while moving out. 

The reasons were straightforward: their sister’s mild cat allergy, the overwhelming task of managing a single litter box for four cats, and their mom’s deep attachment to the kittens. 

Besides, OP couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Joey behind. Taking Vesper felt right, too, since she and Joey grew up together. There was just one problem: their sister.

Though she was young and definitely not up to the task of caring for a pet, she loved Joey deeply. OP worried that taking him might breed a cold war between them. 

The sister suggested taking Vesper and one kitten instead, but honestly, OP didn’t like them all that much; Joey was their favorite furball.

Were they being selfish by wanting to take Joey along?

The story in detail

The story in detailReddit.com

OP’s family has 4 cats which include 2 adults and 2 kittens.

OP’s family has 4 cats which include 2 adults and 2 kittens.Reddit.com

Their first cat was unintended and OP’s younger sister requested it. However, the cat took a liking to OP more than the other family members.

Their first cat was unintended and OP’s younger sister requested it. However, the cat took a liking to OP more than the other family members.Reddit.com

OP is moving out soon and don't plan on taking care of animals. However, with her current house and specific reasons, OP decided to take the 2 adult cats to live with her.

OP is moving out soon and don't plan on taking care of animals. However, with her current house and specific reasons, OP decided to take the 2 adult cats to live with her.Reddit.com

OP decided to take both adult cats since they grew up together. However, she is worried that her younger sister will hate her for it.

OP decided to take both adult cats since they grew up together. However, she is worried that her younger sister will hate her for it.Reddit.com

OP’s sister wants to keep the first cat (Joey) while she takes both kittens and their mum (Vesper) but unfortunately, OP does not like either one of them.

OP’s sister wants to keep the first cat (Joey) while she takes both kittens and their mum (Vesper) but unfortunately, OP does not like either one of them.Reddit.com

Check out some interesting comments below:

Check out some interesting comments below:Reddit.com

“Cats are especially social beings, so separating one from being alone after being in a home with other people and cats will affect him emotionally.”

“Cats are especially social beings, so separating one from being alone after being in a home with other people and cats will affect him emotionally.”Reddit.com

“I did not know that about the litter boxes.”

“I did not know that about the litter boxes.”Reddit.com

“YTA for not spaying/neutering your pets and allowing them to breed.”

“YTA for not spaying/neutering your pets and allowing them to breed.”Reddit.com

OP had no control over the neutering of the cat at the time.

OP had no control over the neutering of the cat at the time.Reddit.com

“Cats are specially social beings, so separating one to be alone after being in a home with other people and cats will affect him emotionally.”

“Cats are specially social beings, so separating one to be alone after being in a home with other people and cats will affect him emotionally.”Reddit.com

Redditors were quick to brand OP the AH for even suggesting something so cruel. Apart from the obvious heartbreak, it would cause their little sister; they believed separating Joey from his companions might harm him emotionally.

Moreover, Joey wasn't OP’s cat to take. Redditors also advised the family to buy more litter boxes immediately! One simply wasn't enough for four cats.

Do you agree with this verdict? Let us know in the comments.
