Man Kicks Out Sister And Her Family Out Of His Flat After Months Of Living In Chaos

OP got tired of coming home to a mess every day.

Man Kicks Out Sister And Her Family Out Of His Flat After Months Of Living In Chaos

During the pandemic, OP's brother-in-law lost his job, leading his sister, her husband, and their three kids to move into his small flat. With his nighttime work schedule, it sometimes feels like they live there, and he's just a random guy.

Living with kids can be tough, and OP expected his sister to at least keep the flat tidy. However, dirty dishes, toys strewn about, and a mysterious foul smell greeted him every time he came home.

Things took a painful turn when the eldest child colored all over the walls, spilled juice on his rug, and broke fragile glass figurines inherited from his late mother. His sister brushed off his upset feelings, which hurt even more.

The chaos didn't stop there; his second eldest vomited on a chair, rendering it unsalvageable. The constant crying of the youngest irritated the neighbors, and complaints piled up.

Trying to communicate his frustrations, OP had several conversations with his sister and brother-in-law. However, his efforts fell on deaf ears, as they seemed indifferent to the impact of their family's actions.

OP's line of work as a security guard demands alertness and presence, making the constant noise and disruption a real challenge.

The situation escalated when someone, likely the eldest child, accidentally released his beloved leopard geckos. Though he found them eventually, this was the tipping point. He couldn't take it anymore and asked his sister to leave.

It's been a week since he asked his sister to leave, and he hasn't heard from her. The rest of the family, however, has been hounding him, questioning his decision to ask his niece and nephews to leave.

Feeling conflicted, OP wonders if he was wrong to take such a step so he turned to Reddit with this story in an attempt to get some unbiased opinions from wise Redditors. Be sure to scroll down and see what the Redditors had to say about this crazy situation.

In the middle of the pandemic, OP's brother-in-law got fired so the whole family moved in with OP

In the middle of the pandemic, OP's brother-in-law got fired so the whole family moved in with OPu/ThatONEguy17288

OP expected that his sister would keep the place clean but it's been far from that

OP expected that his sister would keep the place clean but it's been far from thatu/ThatONEguy17288

The kids have been making a mess everyday for OP to see when he comes back from work

The kids have been making a mess everyday for OP to see when he comes back from worku/ThatONEguy17288

The kids are being so loud to the point that neighbors came over to complain

The kids are being so loud to the point that neighbors came over to complainu/ThatONEguy17288

It's been months but OP's brother-in-law still doesn't have a job and his sister doesn't really care

It's been months but OP's brother-in-law still doesn't have a job and his sister doesn't really careu/ThatONEguy17288

The kids would barge into OP's room while he was sleeping

The kids would barge into OP's room while he was sleepingu/ThatONEguy17288

The final straw for OP was when the eldest child released his leopard geckos

The final straw for OP was when the eldest child released his leopard geckosu/ThatONEguy17288

They can take over if they're so worried

They can take over if they're so worriedu/RollingKatamari

A nightmare scenario

A nightmare scenariou/iviscrit

The answer is always the same

The answer is always the sameu/Narcissa96

In this tale of tough choices, OP's emotions matter just as much as his sister's challenges. Decisions aren't always easy, but we hope they can find a resolution that considers everyone's feelings and needs.

It's essential to remember that everyone has their limits and boundaries. OP's feelings are valid, and it's okay to prioritize his well-being and peace of mind. While it's essential to understand his sister's struggles, it's also crucial for her to respect the space and belongings of others.
