Redditors Are Mad At OP For Asking Roommate To Keep Her Elderly Cat In Her Bedroom

"We asked our roommate that she keep her cat in her bedroom since she’s elderly and aggressive."

Redditors Are Mad At OP For Asking Roommate To Keep Her Elderly Cat In Her Bedroom

Bringing a new cat into your household can be an exciting experience, but it can also be stressful for both the new cat and the resident cats. Introducing new cats to each other is important because it can help prevent conflicts and create a peaceful living environment for all cats involved.

The first and most obvious reason to introduce new cats to each other is to avoid fights and aggression. Cats are territorial animals, and bringing a new cat into their territory can be seen as a threat.

This can sometimes lead to aggressive behavior, such as hissing, growling, and fighting. Properly introducing the cats can help them get used to each other's presence and avoid any unnecessary conflict.

Introducing new cats to each other can also help prevent behavioral problems. If cats are left to their own devices, they may develop negative behaviors, such as spraying, scratching, and marking territory.

By introducing the cats to each other, you can help them form a bond and feel more comfortable in their new environment, reducing the likelihood of these behaviors. Another reason to introduce new cats to each other is to help them establish a hierarchy.

Cats are social animals and often have a pecking order within their group. By introducing a new cat, the resident cats may need to adjust their position in the hierarchy.

This can be done gradually without conflict, ensuring a harmonious environment for all cats. The introduction process should be gradual, allowing the cats to become comfortable with each other's presence over time.

The first step is to keep the cats separate for some time, allowing them to become familiar with each other's scent without direct contact. This can be done by placing the new cat in a separate room with food, water, and a litter box.

Next, you can introduce the cats to each other in a controlled manner. This can be done by swapping their living areas or allowing supervised visits while keeping them separated by a door or baby gate.

Over time, the visits can be extended, and the cats can be allowed to interact with each other more freely. Always supervise these interactions to ensure they do not escalate into aggression or conflict.

1. OP shared their current living situation in an apartment.

1. OP shared their current living situation in an apartment.Reddit/u/bananapuddingkit

2. This is where the problem began.

2. This is where the problem began.Reddit/u/bananapuddingkit

3. Fortunately, everything was settled.

3. Fortunately, everything was settled.Reddit/u/bananapuddingkit

4. The importance of knowing the basic things before getting a pet.

4. The importance of knowing the basic things before getting a pet.Reddit/ Dipping_My_Toes

5. Letting everyone know before doing anything.

5. Letting everyone know before doing anything.Reddit/ zodiac1360

6. Different techniques in introducing cats to each other.

6. Different techniques in introducing cats to each other.Reddit/ Fartranspormation

7. Don't you have people's preferences, OP?

7. Don't you have people's preferences, OP?Reddit/ Alittltebitmorbid

8. "Getting a new cat is a decision that involves everyone who lives in the house."

8. Reddit/ HotspurJr

9. You are the one to blame, OP.

9. You are the one to blame, OP.Reddit/ Popular_Error3691

10. Nothing compares to a pet having a cute name with a responsible owner beside it.

10. Nothing compares to a pet having a cute name with a responsible owner beside it.Reddit/ fewerifyouplease

11. Please make it more clear for us, OP.

11. Please make it more clear for us, OP.Reddit/ ReviewOk929

12. It could result in a serious mental effect on the elderly cat.

12. It could result in a serious mental effect on the elderly cat.Reddit/ nobihh

13. "What kind of narcissism is this?"

13. Reddit/ Cheftyler1980

14. The decision should be agreed upon and have consent from everyone.

14. The decision should be agreed upon and have consent from everyone.Reddit/ Diligent-Activity-70

15. It's an intricate procedure to be followed and performed seriously.

15. It's an intricate procedure to be followed and performed seriously.Reddit/ dublos

16. Did you, OP?

16. Did you, OP?Reddit/ Tdluxon

17. "Animals deserve to have autonomy, even if they are pets."

17. Reddit/ 11treetrunk

18. That is the main problem.

18. That is the main problem.Reddit/ NeeliSilverleaf

19. "Banana pudding?"

19. Reddit/ whiteboardermarker2244

20. A good connection can be ruined over the simple fact that you miscommunicated or choose not to communicate.

20. A good connection can be ruined over the simple fact that you miscommunicated or choose not to communicate.Reddit/ Sunny_Hill_1

21. "You call your roommate's cat mean because it doesn't want you to pet it or pick it up."

21. Reddit/ tiny_town1000

22. Thats a primary requirement before owning a pet, to have a safe environment.

22. Thats a primary requirement before owning a pet, to have a safe environment.Reddit/ ImpossibleHand5086

23. You should have known better.

23. You should have known better.Reddit/ jrm1102

In conclusion, introducing new cats to each other is vital for creating a harmonious living environment for all cats involved, and doing it can help prevent conflicts, reduce negative behaviors, and establish a hierarchy. It may take some time and patience, but a successful introduction can lead to a happy and peaceful home for all cats.
