Karen Goes Crazy At Tech Support For Having A New "Desktop" On Her Computer

If only she had been a lot nicer...

Karen Goes Crazy At Tech Support For Having A New "Desktop" On Her Computer

Some people can be resistant to change and find it challenging to adapt to new technologies. This can be frustrating for those who offer support on various platforms, as they often encounter individuals who struggle with using new tools and systems.

For instance, a recent encounter involved a woman seeking technical support who appeared to be unfamiliar with the ever-evolving tech era. She repeatedly asked for the older outlook of her computer back and expressed surprise at the desktop window.

The tech-support personnel had to endure her temper outbursts and attempt to solve a problem that did not exist.

While it may seem frustrating, it can be endearing how some older people struggle with technology simply because they don't agree with how things work. For instance, there are happenings wherein a person refuses to give up her old phone because of sentimental pictures saved on it.

Although it may not make sense to others, it is essential to understand and respect their perspective.

It can be amusing to share stories of our tech-fail moments and laugh over them. However, it is crucial to be patient and understanding when helping others navigate technology.

We should remember that not everyone is tech-savvy, and it may take time and effort to adjust to new systems. Just take a look at this particular Reddit story...

A woman seems to have been confused why her desktop suddenly became different than what she is usually accustomed to.

A woman seems to have been confused why her desktop suddenly became different than what she is usually accustomed to.Reddit

OP was wondering how some of her PC icons were missing, and he was surprised on how detailed the report was.

OP was wondering how some of her PC icons were missing, and he was surprised on how detailed the report was.Reddit

OP decided to call the customer to address the issues—however, he was met with a rather rude personality at the end of the line. The customer says that she has never seen the screen in front of her before, so of course, OP got confused because hey, it's her PC, right?

OP decided to call the customer to address the issues—however, he was met with a rather rude personality at the end of the line. The customer says that she has never seen the screen in front of her before, so of course, OP got confused because hey, it's her PC, right?Reddit

No applications were missing, so OP was confused regarding on what the real issue was. The PC is also working perfectly.

No applications were missing, so OP was confused regarding on what the real issue was. The PC is also working perfectly.Reddit

OP proceeded to explain that this is normal screen behavior, but the customer insisted that it's different—and that she does not want to click the Start button to access her applications.

OP proceeded to explain that this is normal screen behavior, but the customer insisted that it's different—and that she does not want to click the Start button to access her applications.Reddit

Frustrated, the customer started getting angrier and OP just became even more confused. How hard could it be to click the Start button anyway?

Frustrated, the customer started getting angrier and OP just became even more confused. How hard could it be to click the Start button anyway?Reddit

OP eventually gave up, as their conversation seemed to be going nowhere. The customer said that she'll try to have another person look at it when she comes back the next time.

OP eventually gave up, as their conversation seemed to be going nowhere. The customer said that she'll try to have another person look at it when she comes back the next time.Reddit

Treading the water lightly, OP tried to explain to her what could happen next. He then asked her if she had any more questions.

Treading the water lightly, OP tried to explain to her what could happen next. He then asked her if she had any more questions.Reddit

After talking with friends, OP figured out that the issue must have had something to with "tablet mode"—a feature that he was yet to understand. Well, oopsies!

After talking with friends, OP figured out that the issue must have had something to with Reddit

It can be frustrating to be at the front-end of handling customers, especially when they do not even know what they are trying to complain about—but hey, that's life! We just need to remember to be nicer to one another either way, right?

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