Woman Finds Out She Has A Karen For A Neighbor And Decides To Give Her A Taste Of Her Own Medicine

It's not everyday that you find out your neighbors are both the male and female version of a Karen.

Woman Finds Out She Has A Karen For A Neighbor And Decides To Give Her A Taste Of Her Own Medicine

We're here with yet another awesome story that we've heard from people and this time it's about a woman who found out her neighbors were actually real-life Karens. Unfortunately, this story ends up taking a wrong turn when the neighbor finally steps out of her boundary which makes things take a turn.

Usually, when people move in or meet their neighbors the situation begins with a neighbor introducing themselves or something like that, but that's not exactly how all this happened. This woman goes on to explain the situation between her and her neighbors where she found out that the wife neighbor was not someone she wanted to be around.

She then goes on to explain that once the neighbor became out of pocket, she wanted to test the husband and see what would happen. Now, people had some controversial feelings about this situation, but I think a lot of us would have done much worse.

Once you read the whole story though you'll be more inclined to understand her perspective with messing with the couple. Ultimately, they deserved everything that happened to them. Let's dive in and check out this story and what happened once she messed with the couple.

This woman decided to take matters into her own hands after her neighbors were extremely rude to her.

This woman decided to take matters into her own hands after her neighbors were extremely rude to her.Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)

The woman starts off the story by explaining that she's lived there for three years and her neighbors have rubbed her the wrong way the whole time.

She explains that she gets bad vibes from the wife and husband but she admits that she can be a little judgemental herself sometimes.

The woman starts off the story by explaining that she's lived there for three years and her neighbors have rubbed her the wrong way the whole time.Reddit

She also goes to say that her daughter and the neighbors daughter are around the same age, but that the neighbors daughter has some not so great friends.

She goes on to explain that the two daughters were hanging out and continue hanging out despite the mom's opinion on her neighbor.

She also goes to say that her daughter and the neighbors daughter are around the same age, but that the neighbors daughter has some not so great friends.Reddit

She realizes that her daughter seems to not be as excited or interested to go over and play with her neighbor's daughter.

She realizes that her daughter seems to not be as excited or interested to go over and play with her neighbor's daughter.Reddit

She decides to ask her daughter about it and turns out that the mother of the daughter, wasn't the best person for her to be staying with.

She decides to ask her daughter about it and turns out that the mother of the daughter, wasn't the best person for her to be staying with.Reddit

Obviously the nosey neighbor's questions were a huge red flag to them both.

Obviously the nosey neighbor's questions were a huge red flag to them both.cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)

She then goes on to explain why she brings snacks with her daughter for play dates.

She then goes on to explain why she brings snacks with her daughter for play dates.Reddit

Turns out that her daughter told her to stop bringing snacks because Sharon told her that was rude.

Turns out that her daughter told her to stop bringing snacks because Sharon told her that was rude.Reddit

Sharon was also pretty pushy about wanting the daughter to go to Sunday School.

Sharon was also pretty pushy about wanting the daughter to go to Sunday School.Reddit

To compromise, she decided to say that the play dates had to happen at her home and not in Sharon's home.

To compromise, she decided to say that the play dates had to happen at her home and not in Sharon's home.Reddit

When Sharon approached her door, the conversation they had was not at all what she thought they'd be talking about.

When Sharon approached her door, the conversation they had was not at all what she thought they'd be talking about.Reddit

Ultimately she realized she was right about her being nosey.

Ultimately she realized she was right about her being nosey.Reddit

Once this happened she decided to mess with the husband and find out if she was right about him to.

Once this happened she decided to mess with the husband and find out if she was right about him to.Reddit

She came up with a plan and immediately followed through.

Turns out that he was indeed how she thought and clearly she put a bit of a dent in their relationship.

She came up with a plan and immediately followed through.Reddit

People then came in with questions that actually got responses from OP.

People then came in with questions that actually got responses from OP.Sweettart2017

She says that the playdates are no longer a thing since all this happened.

She says that the playdates are no longer a thing since all this happened.Super_Ad_7135

Looks like some people are giving her even more bad ideas.

Looks like some people are giving her even more bad ideas.SuperSassyPantz

Some comments weren't as loved by OP as others were though.

Some comments weren't as loved by OP as others were though.Bl4cBird

People also came to her with some awesome responses that she could've used instead.

People also came to her with some awesome responses that she could've used instead.BellaFrequency

Turns out that people actually wanted to know more about how she responded to Sharon's remarks.

Turns out that people actually wanted to know more about how she responded to Sharon's remarks.FearlessSecret476

People then came to give her some of their own neighbor experiences.

People then came to give her some of their own neighbor experiences.nickis84

Turns out that people have had a lot of issues like this before.

Turns out that people have had a lot of issues like this before.rainedrop87

I think the lesson here is to not be judgmental and to understand other people's situations.

I think the lesson here is to not be judgmental and to understand other people's situations.dedredcopper

People actually had some terrible clever ideas.

People actually had some terrible clever ideas.Impressive-Pepper785

I think all of us hate people like this.

I think all of us hate people like this.Chickabae_

Yep this is true too though. Mike knows.

Yep this is true too though. Mike knows.leal_diamante

I agree with this.

I agree with this.Gur_Weak

That's true. He did it, not her.

That's true. He did it, not her.Either_Coconut

Yep exactly.

Yep exactly.ExpiredExaspersation

They are very judgmental and nothing will change my opinion on that.

They are very judgmental and nothing will change my opinion on that.the-truthseeker

That's true too.

That's true too.brianfantastic

This situation was really wild from start to finish and people clearly had a lot to say about the situation. We can't really blame her for how she responded because we definitely feel like the neighbor was very rude.

What do you think about this situation and what would you have done?
