Juno The Angry Cat, A Cat With Better Hair Than Most Humans You Will Ever Meet
Juno's silver mane and grumpy facial expressions are truly something to behold.
- Published in Animals
Juno, the 6-year-old Himalayan mix cat - also known as 'Juno The Angry Cat' on Instagram - has some pretty incredible hair. His hair is so majestic, in fact, that his human recently decided to start styling it in different ways for photos, much to the delight of his hundreds of thousands of Insta followers (182k to be precise).
Juno's silver mane and grumpy facial expressions are truly something to behold. Scroll down to see for yourself! Juno's brother, a Himalayan/Burmese mix named Lord Leo and his pretty little sister called Havana, also have their own Instagram accounts respectively, filled with cute kitty pics just like their famous brother.