Jonah Hill Asks His Fans To "Kindly" Stop Commenting On His Body

The actor has struggled with low self-esteem since childhood, and fame only escalated his insecurities.

Jonah Hill Asks His Fans To "Kindly" Stop Commenting On His Body

We all know what it's like to lack confidence in ourselves, especially about our looks. And when you're feeling particularly insecure about something, there's nothing much worse than having others bring attention to it.

Whether that attention is positive or negative is irrelevant and can make us feel extremely uncomfortable. Of course, people generally love receiving compliments, but even praise can make an especially insecure person uneasy.

The perfect example of this is the beloved actor Jonah Hill. We have all witnessed Jonah's weight fluctuate over the years, and his fans offered him immense support during his weight-loss journey.

But in a recent Instagram post, Jonah asked his fans to "kindly" stop making comments about his body. The actor explained that he appreciates the intentions behind the remarks but that "it's not helpful and doesn't feel good."

During the mid-noughties, Jonah was known as an actor with a lot of meat on his bones. He played the stereotypical oddball characters in films like Knocked Up, Superbad, and Get Him to the Greek.

But in 2011, Jonah underwent a significant body transformation and appeared in Moneyball sporting a much slimmer physique. After that, Jonah's weight began to fluctuate as he had to adapt to various roles.

But regardless of Jonah's size, he has always been open about his insecurities. "I became famous in my late teens and then spent most of my young adult life listening to people say that I was fat and gross and unattractive," he told Ellen DeGeneres in 2018.

"And it's only in the last four years writing and directing my movie, 'Mid90s,' that I've started to understand how much that hurt and got into my head," he continued. Although Jonah has since become more comfortable with his body, it's still a touchy subject for him.

The actor has struggled with low self-esteem since childhood, and fame only escalated his insecurities. Having his looks incessantly dissected by the media only made him more self-conscious.

We have all witnessed Jonah's weight fluctuate over the years, and his fans offered him immense support during his weight-loss journey.

We have all witnessed Jonah's weight fluctuate over the years, and his fans offered him immense support during his weight-loss journey.Instagram / jonahhill

Over the years, Jonah has been photographed and mocked by the media.

Over the years, Jonah has been photographed and mocked by the media.Instagram / jonahhill

And the actor has grown a thick skin along the way.

And the actor has grown a thick skin along the way.Instagram / jonahhill

But in a recent Instagram post, Jonah asked his fans to "kindly" stop making comments about his body.

But in a recent Instagram post, Jonah asked his fans to Instagram / jonahhill

The actor explained that he appreciates the intentions behind the remarks but that "it's not helpful and doesn't feel good."

The actor explained that he appreciates the intentions behind the remarks but that Instagram / jonahhill

"I became famous in my late teens and then spent most of my young adult life listening to people say that I was fat and gross and unattractive," he told Ellen DeGeneres in 2018.

Instagram / jonahhill

"And it's only in the last four years writing and directing my movie, 'Mid90s,' that I've started to understand how much that hurt and got into my head," he continued.

Harald Krichel

The actor has struggled with low self-esteem since childhood, and fame only escalated his insecurities.

The actor has struggled with low self-esteem since childhood, and fame only escalated his insecurities.Instagram / jonahhill

Here's how people reacted to Jonah's post.

Here's how people reacted to Jonah's post.Ilona Le Gros

"I get why he doesn't want the good."

Nat Mahan

"It's like walking on eggshells."

Suzy Martine Curran

"You don't know why people weight what they do."

Britt Marie

What about the ladies?

What about the ladies?Becca Peters

"I can't help you."

Twitter / indispensaryMMJ

"Shouldn't he be grateful for his fans?"

Twitter / _john92_


Twitter / JessekaF

"We're all just people."

Twitter / EddiDevore

"Respect is scarce nowadays."

Twitter / katssinghx

But he gets all the chicks!

But he gets all the chicks!Twitter / VetWife2

Yep... that's what he said.

Yep... that's what he said.Twitter / peterdimov

"Out of bounds."

Twitter / sloane927

Jonah has never wanted sympathy; he simply wants people to understand the impact that body scrutiny can have on a person. Jonah's post has been liked by more than 600k people, and his fans have offered him tremendous support.

What do you think of the actor's message? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
