Italian Family Takes DNA Test And Gets A Rude Shock When They Discover They Aren't Italian
This is not the answer they were looking for.

Technological advancement around DNA testing has been an incredible improvement in society for mankind. It has lead to murderers and rapists being convicted decades after their crimes when they otherwise would never have been caught, it has brought people together from long-lost families and helped to identify the remains of those killed at war.
Sometimes though, DNA testing can give people some information that they might have rather had stayed unknown. That is the case in this family who believed themselves to be full-blood Italian, that is until one family member decided to do a DNA test at a family function and they found out that they... weren't.
If you have done a DNA test and you're looking for a parent or grandparent, Find My History can help you. Irene is a genealogist based in Australia who has helped many people (specialising in adoptees) to find their biological families from the US to the UK. You can contact her on her Facebook page here and her website here.

The daughter of one of the men involved proceeded to live-tweet the whole event much to the enjoyment of us all here on the Internet,
I can just imagine all the hand gestures.

Really turning on the Italian to try to undo a DNA test might not work very well.

Is there an Italian part of Switzerland?

Strudel for dinner tonight.

Tensions are high in the household. Christmas will be tough this year.

