These People Were Busted Lying On The Internet And We Can't Stop Laughing
This is not the day and age to get away with lying, folks.
- Published in Funny
I have to give credit to anyone willing to attempt lying on the Internet these days. I mean with all that's stacked up against us? There's an entire TV series on MTV because people won't stop lying to each other while dating long distance over the Internet.
We live in an era where all of your dirty secrets on-line can and will be exposed either by an individual with a vendetta or hackers and trolls on a mission to expose vulnerabilities in systems. For example, anyone remembers when millions of pictures were leaked from Snapchat or when a dating website for married men was completely exposed?
That's what we are talking about here, folks. There is no real sense of security on the Internet anymore.
Yet people keep lying, and that's why it's so freaking funny when they get busted.
1. He's living in a daydream.
But someone nearby helped him wake up, it's okay.
2. Dedicated
I don't blame him, running sucks.
3. Wendy's
Okay, first of all, never try to mess with Wendy's. The person behind their social media accounts is on top of their sass game.
4. The Great Tubby Custard Troll
This troll worked SO well that it is still perpetuated often today. Rest assured, there is always someone around to speak the truth.
5. Customer Copy
How generous of you to write it on the copy you keep, does the waiter know?
6. Much traffic. Wow.
Not everyone thinks about the little things. This guy, for example.
7. This seems a little hypocritical.
Bud, just because no one wants to talk to you doesn't mean that you should lash out.
8. Blinded by the light
Even if it's all in your head.Imgur9. Handmaid for higher quality.
Or not... BUSTED!
10. Insert foot in mouth.
See what happens when you're a jerk? It usually comes back to bite you.
11. Winnie the Pooh and the Great Debate
Did you know things could get so heated in the Pooh fandom?
12. FAKE
Have you ever seen a better example of the point flying right over someone's head?
13. Facebook betrayed you.
You're just THAT bad at lying, congratulations.
14. What's the purpose?
Don't lie to make a point, it only helps you lose.
15. Puff, puff.
How oblivious can one person be?
16. Nice glasses, bro.
This is a detail that you probably should have caught before posting.
17. Go read a book.
Or don't, either way you're going to be persnickety about it.Imgur18. Fascinating!
Art imitates life, life imitates art. Or you're a liar.
19. Sometimes the point is just lost on the ignorant.
You picked the wrong opportunity to make this about you, pal.
20. Was this really necessary on your part, Scott?
I mean, this was probably inevitable...
21. Why do you have to be so complicated?
Randy is not interested in your shenanigans.