People Share Their Craziest "I Quit" Stories In The Workplace

"From annoying bosses to frustrating clients that nearly drove them insane."

People Share Their Craziest "I Quit" Stories In The Workplace

No one appreciates being labeled as a quitter. When you've been taught not to take anything for granted, pushing forward and persevering feels like the only logical thing to do in tough situations.

However, there are periods when your working environment deteriorates and become so toxic that you find yourself daydreaming about abruptly quitting your job.

Sometimes, you have to take a step back and ask yourself: "Is this really what I want?" In most cases, it's not.

Once the thought of leaving your employer crosses your mind, it's normal to feel trapped. After all, being employed must be better than being unemployed, right?

Not always. Just because you have a steady source of income doesn't necessarily mean you're happy with your job and the people who surround you.

In response to el1te1nferno's request for fellow Redditors to share the moment that prompted them to quit their positions, hundreds of people shared their harrowing experiences.

People didn't hold back as they disclosed what tipped them over the edge, from their annoying bosses to frustrating clients that nearly drove them insane.

So grab a seat because we're about to embark on a crazy ride through some of the most amusing answers to this viral thread.

We've also got a few other posts about people quitting their jobs to whet your appetite, so be sure to read those as well.

1. "Was getting screamed at in a meeting by some marketing jerk that was literally demanding my technical group perform magic."

1. sadpanda___,Charles Deluvio

2. "You can get married or you can keep your job.”

2. zZentail, Photos by Lanty

3. "If you cancel my PTO, I quit."

3. letsgocactus, Suhyeon Choi

4. "I overheard my manager and a few delivery drivers talking about throwing me a birthday party and spiking my drinks."

4. emohippiechick, Thomas Peham

5. "My boss grabbed one of the giant wooden pizza spatulas, swung it full force, and shattered it over one of the ovens..."

5. xlv45, David Lee

6. "I had requested off and was surprised to see myself on the schedule almost every day that week."

6. punkrockpizza, Martin Abegglen
punkrockpizza, Martin Abegglen

7. "I give you 100% when I'm here, but when my day is done, it's done"

7. reddit, Headway

8. "They came and told me that there was nobody available, and then I would have to stay to the end of my shift. Despite the fact that there were four RNs doing nothing.""

8. OllyPolly, MedicAlert UK
OllyPolly, MedicAlert UK

9. " At 9pm I took my shirt off, handed them my keys, and said “today was my last day” as I walked out the door shirtless."

9. TrippyJesus, Esther Lin

10. "Being yelled at and belittled in front of customers was over the line in my book."

10. Knuckles316

11. "He asked for a raise because one was given to a coworker who had the same job."

11. belovedbegrudged, PEO ACWA

12. "Told I had no experience with said situations and should be sent to training again."

12. AWolfOutsideTheDoor

13. "I told them to f**k right off."

13. dic_6_doc, Uline

14. "The GM walks out a minute later and proceeds to ream me, telling me I'm a lazy no good piece of s**t."

14. SenorDongles, Dalton Smith

15. "I show up and he starts going off on me about the other staff and tells me...'You're luck you showed up on time else I would have fired you on the spot'..."

15. wastingtoomuchthyme, Parham Barati

16. "He proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes grilling me, trying to find things I didn't know/would trip up on."

16. Smitening

17. "My manager accused me of stealing money from the store."

17. payvavraishkuf, Radek Homola

18. "I saluted my boss with the ol’ middle finger and we never spoke again."

18. Stonewise, Eduardo Soares

19. "Was told to quit being a p**sy and go back out on the floor so I fortunately had a moment of not being a stupid kid and said I quit and walked home."

19. QuinoaKhmerRouge, Belinda Carr QuinoaKhmerRouge, Belinda Carr

20. "Asked for a small raise after one year, $1/hr and was making $20. I was underpaid and we all knew it, they offered me 50 cents."

20. rperkins146

21. "I know it was probably a d**k move to f**k them over and I normally would never do that, but I just broke and could not take it anymore."

21. drewisawesome14 drewisawesome14 drewisawesome14

22. "One morning I was told last minute I was being forced. Told them I was f**king done and walked out."

22. amphetaminesfailure amphetaminesfailure

23. "Worked for a boss who micromanaged everything and was just an a** about everything in general."

23. MononokeHD

24. "Day 1 of the training...'You're required to be here monday-friday, 8-6 for the first 6 months. If you miss a day or are more than 30 minutes late you will be fired'..."

24. Llaver

25. "Got hired, and spent the first two days cleaning everything the owner and son were to lazy to clean."

25. advocatus_ebrius_est, David Bruce Jr.

26. "I was overworked and I quickly realized the managers didn't give much care towards us."

26. Ascribed_innovation, Scott Lewis Ascribed_innovation, Scott Lewis

27. "We had been working over 90 days straight of 13-14 hour shifts and living in c**ppy motel a 45 min drive from out worksite."

27. Rainydays206, Ümit Yıldırım

28. "When I spoke to HR about a harassment issue and she straight up told me, it wasn't possible that he was harassing me because 3 other people had come to her to say how awesome he is."

28. ccart597, [email protected]

29. "I overheard the worst manager say to the people at the register (and many customers behind the counter) that 'Someone need to teach Alice how to do her job'..."

29. askingxalice, Visual Karsa

30. "I was a few hours from a 2 week vacation for my wedding and honeymoon when I got written up."

30. AgentGingerKittie, Scott Graham

Quitting a job is never easy, but sometimes it can be liberating. These are all pretty interesting to read about, and we're glad that these people were able to leave a toxic environment and get the happiness they deserve.

Do you have any stories from your workplace that you wish to share? If so, we'd love to hear from you in the comments section below!
