Social Media Influencers Who Wanted Free Stuff But Ended Up Getting Obliterated To Oblivion
"Exposure" is not a currency. These influencers need to grow up and start behaving like real adults
- Published in Funny
Social media 'influencers' have huge egos, even bigger than actual celebrities. They think that they're so important that they deserve to get free stuff, well not completely free because according to them giving someone 'exposure' is better than paying them with actual money, which is utterly ridiculous.
A lot of businesses are constantly complaining about these so-called 'influencers' repeatedly bothering them with their begging. And yes, I called it begging because that's what it really is.
The social media influencers below thought they could get away with asking for free stuff, but they ended up getting shamed on the internet, which is the closest thing to a happy ending.