Grammar... it's a tricky thing sometimes! You've probably heard all the jokes. "It's the difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you're shit."
It the difference between, "Let's eat, Grandma!" and "Let's eat Grandma!" It makes a difference. A huge difference.
I feel like when texting and the internet first surged in popularity. it became really good to write, "l!k3 dis!". More recently, however, grammar has become trendy again. A sign of sophistication and education.
Below are some hilarious example of very, very poorly used quotation marks from the subreddit, ‘“Suspiciously” Used Quotation Marks’ where people tear apart those who are lacking in the lost-art of speech marks and apostrophisation.
I want to warn you, these are seriously funny if you're a language and grammar junkie.
1. Ok... sounds like a bad adult film title, honestly.