9 Shockingly Impolite Celebrities In The Chaotic Entertainment Business

Some people don't handle stardom well.

9 Shockingly Impolite Celebrities In The Chaotic Entertainment Business

Stardom can be a double-edged sword for celebrities, bringing fame and fortune but also a lot of unwanted attention and criticism. It’s no surprise that some celebrities don’t handle contact with their fans very well.

Having to interact with the public is a large part of being a celebrity, and while some celebrities thrive on the love and attention they receive from their fans, others find it overwhelming and intrusive. It’s not uncommon for celebrities to shy away from fan interactions or to be less than friendly when they do.

This can be disheartening for fans who’ve been striving for an opportunity to meet and connect with their idols.

It appears that not all celebrities are as humble as those who remember their roots or understand who pays their salaries. Unfortunately, there are some reports of celebs being impolite and even rude.

Unfortunately, it's hard to know what is true and what is not, as it is impossible to confirm all of these stories. The only way to know for sure is to interact with them directly.

Unfortunately, the circulation of these stories on social media, it can make it difficult for celebrities to deny these claims. Let's take a look:

1. Michael Jordan

If you search for "Michael Jordan nasty" on Google, you will find several reports of the former NBA great being impolite to fans and the public. There have been several accounts of Michael treating people who helped him become a superstar with disrespect.

For example, rapper Chamillionaire has previously spoken out about his experience. He had always been a big fan of Michael Jordan and was excited to see him at a celebration. He had even spent thousands of dollars on a jersey with Michael's name on it.

When he asked him for an autograph, Michael refused and was rude, saying something to the effect of "You pay $15,000 for a jersey from me, and I'll take a picture with you." Upset by his treatment, Chamillionaire stopped wearing Nike Jordans and switched to Adidas.

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2. Rachael Ray

Many people have had unfavorable experiences when attending a live taping of Rachael Ray's show. According to reviews posted on TripAdvisor.com, viewers have commented that Rachael Ray is sweet when the cameras are rolling but cold and distant when off-camera.

Additionally, some have said that her stage persona is merely an "act" and that she can be seen rolling her eyes and being rude to helpers.

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3. Cameron Diaz

Reports have been circulating of Cameron's disrespectful treatment of her fans at a movie premiere, with her denying autographs and making inappropriate remarks to those who had come to meet her. She assumed that if she signed one autograph, she would be obligated to sign for all, making the event feel more like a school premiere than a movie premiere.

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4. Jerry Seinfeld

Almost two decades after the end of Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld is still adamant that everyone should know who he is. Thanks to the show's recent syndication, even younger audiences are recognizing the actors from the 90s program "about nothing."

Although Seinfeld is known as a comic, he is also careful never to be rude or disrespectful. Lately, he's commented on how the world is becoming too politically correct and jokingly mentioned how people are spending too much time on their phones.

However, he's received some backlash for his statements since he has claimed he doesn't "need Seth Meyers."

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5. Mel Gibson

In the 1980s and 1990s, Mel Gibson was one of Hollywood's most bankable and attractive actors. He was also known to be amiable. He achieved prominence for his involvement in the Lethal Weapon films, among many others.

Unfortunately, his success and notoriety appeared to have gone to his head. He began to express discriminatory remarks and express his dissatisfaction with the films he was in.

It is uncertain if this was his hidden sentiment all along or if he simply became deranged, and whether he will be able to come back to the "normal" Mel.

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6. Jared Leto

It can be difficult to determine which accounts of celebrity meetings are reliable. There are many videos, movies, and articles which paint Jared Leto in a positive light, but others tell a different story.

One person recounted how Jared became angry when they brought up the show that initiated his career - My So-Called Life, which unfortunately came to an abrupt end.

Reports claim that Jared was rude to fans while touring with 30 Seconds to Mars, and he even laughed when Jennifer Lawrence tripped while receiving her Oscar.

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7. Ariana Grande

I have been left wondering how Ariana can express hatred for her own nation after US Magazine reported that she had licked and spat on pastries intended for other customers at a doughnut shop. The singer had also apparently shouted things that were taken out of context, like how much she supposedly hated America, all while kissing her partner inside the store.

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8. Rihanna

At the 2010 ECHO Awards in Berlin, Rihanna sported an eye-catching winged green catsuit. Little did she know that her fashion statement would inspire 16-year-old Alexis Carter to make a similar gown for her Hollywood-themed prom.

However, when Alexis posted images of her dress online, Rihanna shockingly responded with bullying comments, referring to Alexis as a "prombat". It is disheartening that someone as famous as Rihanna could be so unkind to a young girl, especially when her dress was a replication of Rihanna's own outfit, but in a different color.

Nevertheless, Rihanna eventually posted photos of Alexis next to herself, honoring her for her creative ensemble.

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9. Kanye West

Kanye West certainly deserves to be included in any list of controversial personalities. His infamous interruption of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to proclaim that she didn't deserve the award she had worked so hard to get is a prime example of his arrogance.

Even President Barack Obama was so perturbed by this incident that he was heard referring to Kanye as a "jackass" - although it shouldn't have been made public. When Beck won a Grammy over Beyonce, Kanye attempted to interrupt his speech, but Beck was able to see the humor in the situation and quipped back with a few remarks of his own.

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The level of obsession that some fans have for certain celebrities can also be a bit much for the celebrity to handle and can push them away. For example, some fans can become obsessed with the personal lives of celebrities and can even go as far as to stalk them or make threats.

This can understandably make a celebrity wary of interacting with their fans. Overall, while fans are an integral part of a celebrity’s success, some celebrities have difficulty navigating the complexities of fan interactions and can be less than welcoming.
