Guy Goes Crazy Trying To Understand Imperial Measurement System

It honestly doesn't make any sense...

  • Published in Funny
Guy Goes Crazy Trying To Understand Imperial Measurement System

It is an argument that has raged over the last half a century between basically the whole world and two of the world most successful and powerful countries - America and the UK. Imperial vs Metric.

Which unit of measurement is the best and why? I think to most of the world that has only lived in a metric society (me included) we just can't really wrap our heads around the imperial system. I for one, love things to be neat and tidy, and if there's one thing the imperial measuring system isn't, it's neat and tidy.

Twitter user @innesmck decided he would attempt to understand, and it almost broke him.

To be fair, he's not very calm to begin with.

To be fair, he's not very calm to begin with.

Down the rabbit hole he goes...

Down the rabbit hole he goes...

The numbers just aren't adding up!

The numbers just aren't adding up!

"Numbers mean nothing at this point!"


He's beginning to lose it.

He's beginning to lose it.

Uh oh, he's hit the date system.

Uh oh, he's hit the date system.

The whole world is a lie.

The whole world is a lie.

The nail in the coffin is coming.

The nail in the coffin is coming.

And the cherry on top is Fahrenheit.

And the cherry on top is Fahrenheit.

He's lost it at this point. Is that the average length of an ox? How many inches is that?

He's lost it at this point. Is that the average length of an ox? How many inches is that?

The final destination is complete distrust in reality. Excellent.

The final destination is complete distrust in reality. Excellent.Twitter

This thread could also be titled - 'The Unravelling Of The Human Mind'.
