Draw Inspiration From These 30 Well-Known Paintings And Their Real-Life Locations

The real-life locations that inspired famous paintings

  • Published in Facts
Draw Inspiration From These 30 Well-Known Paintings And Their Real-Life Locations

Have you ever laid eyes on an artwork so exquisite that you felt like you could crawl inside of it? Have you ever wanted to be within the universe that Monet, Cézanne, or Van Gogh painted?

If the location depicted in the artwork is real, you can go there, right? Something similar to Giverny, where Monet resided and captured the splendor of his garden in paintings.

Maybe it was the other way around for these well-known painters. They wanted to capture what they observed in real life on canvas in order to preserve it in that state forever.

They wanted these paintings to preserved for the viewing pleasure of future generations. These days, we can view the actual places that served as the inspiration for well-known paintings side by side because of accounts like The Cultural Tutor.

This page makes it their mission to inform social media users about these iconic paintings one X thread at a time. So, prepare yourself for an amazing journey with "The Cultural Tutor" in this awesome art discussion thread.

They are showcasing these well-known and renowned paintings along with their actual locations. Keep scrolling down to discover the sources of inspiration and the places where magic occurred in these great works of art.

To crown it all, it is an enjoyable method of relating art to reality.

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1. The Church at Augers by Vincent van Gogh

1. The Church at Augers by Vincent van Goghculturaltutor

2. Mont Saint Michel by James Webb

2. Mont Saint Michel by James Webbculturaltutor

3. El Khasné, Petra by Frederick Edwin Church

3. El Khasné, Petra by Frederick Edwin Churchculturaltutor

4. American Gothic by Grant Wood

4. American Gothic by Grant Woodculturaltutor

5. Piazza San Marco, Venice by Canaletto

5. Piazza San Marco, Venice by Canalettoculturaltutor

6. Sunrise on the Matterhorn by Albert Bierstadt

6. Sunrise on the Matterhorn by Albert Bierstadtculturaltutor

7. The Night Café by Vincent van Gogh

7. The Night Café by Vincent van Goghculturaltutor

8. High Street, Oxford by JMW Turner

8. High Street, Oxford by JMW Turnerculturaltutor

9. Palazzo Dario, Venice by Claude Monet

9. Palazzo Dario, Venice by Claude Monetculturaltutor

10. Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth

10. Christina's World by Andrew Wyethculturaltutor

11. The Little Street by Johannes Vermeer

11. The Little Street by Johannes Vermeerculturaltutor

12. Interior of St. Peter's by Giovanni Paolo Panini

12. Interior of St. Peter's by Giovanni Paolo Paniniculturaltutor

13. A Moonlit Night on the Bosphorus by Ivan Aivazovsky

13. A Moonlit Night on the Bosphorus by Ivan Aivazovskyculturaltutor

14. The Doge's Palace by Claude Monet

14. The Doge's Palace by Claude Monetculturaltutor

15. Interior of the Church of St Bavo in Haarlem by Pieter Jansz. Saenredam

15. Interior of the Church of St Bavo in Haarlem by Pieter Jansz. Saenredamculturaltutor

16. Abside de Notre Dame by Charles Meryon

16. Abside de Notre Dame by Charles Meryonculturaltutor

17. Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy

17. Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italyculturaltutor

18. Starry Night by the Rhone

18. Starry Night by the Rhoneculturaltutor

19. Arles

19. Arlesculturaltutor

20. Two lights

20. Two lightsculturaltutor

21. The East Wind

21. The East Windculturaltutor

22. Iconic paintings

22. Iconic paintingsculturaltutor

23. Claude Monet

23. Claude Monetculturaltutor

24. Camille Corot

24. Camille Corotculturaltutor

25. Rainy Day

25. Rainy Dayculturaltutor

26. Honfleur Monet

26. Honfleur Monetculturaltutor

27. Santa Maria del Cadaques

27. Santa Maria del Cadaquesculturaltutor

28. A Court

28. A Courtculturaltutor

29. The Trevi Fountain

29. The Trevi Fountainculturaltutor

30. A watercolor

30. A watercolorculturaltutor

Painting is an age-old art form that has persisted as a means of expression despite the advent of photography, film, and digital technologies. Only a small portion of the paintings that have been viewed for dozens of millennia might be considered "timeless classics" that the general public has grown to know and love.

And also not by coincidence, these paintings are created by some of the most well-known artists in history. Do drop your thoughts about them in the comments section below and share this article as well.
