15 Pictures Of Iconic Celebrities And What They Would Look Like If They Pursued Advanced Beauty Trends

Beauty trends are never-ending, and every day we wake up to see new styles or ways to beautify ourselves more.

15 Pictures Of Iconic Celebrities And What They Would Look Like If They Pursued Advanced Beauty Trends

Beauty trends are never-ending, and every day we wake up to see new styles or ways to beautify ourselves more. Each decade has its own beauty, patterns, and guidelines.

You can certainly check out the shapes of eyebrows from the '60s, '70s, ‘80s, '90s, or even nowadays, and you’ll see that they differ enormously. If you had lived 50 years ago, you would likely have a different hair tone and lip line, or perhaps you may have even come across someone who lived decades ago who drew their eyebrows in a weird shape.

If it’s not the shape of eyebrows being modified to look more stunning and perfect, it’s the eye shadows having so many more colors than I can count. If it’s not more ombres for the lips, it’s the contour palettes and how to use them in a more enhanced way.

If it’s not the different types of wigs and hair attachments that become more trendy, it’s the hair colors that will make them pop more and be more in tune and defined. All in all, the beauty trends never end, so we got inquisitive with regards to what iconic celebs would look like if they pursued current beauty trends at their youthful age.

Here are 15 of them for you to enjoy.

1. A before and after picture of Princess Diana with a modern hairstyle and makeup

1. A before and after picture of Princess Diana with a modern hairstyle and makeup© Tim Graham/Tim Graham Photo Library/Getty Images

2. A before and after picture of Barbra Streisand with a modern hairstyle and makeup

2. A before and after picture of Barbra Streisand with a modern hairstyle and makeup© CAP/MFS/Capital Pictures/East News

3. A before and after picture of Meryl Streep with a modern hairstyle and makeup

3. A before and after picture of Meryl Streep with a modern hairstyle and makeup© Columbia Pictures / Stanley Jaffe Production/Collection Christop/East News

4. A before and after picture of Elizabeth Taylor with a modern hairstyle and makeup

4. A before and after picture of Elizabeth Taylor with a modern hairstyle and makeup© Screen Prod / Photononstop/East News

5. A before and after picture of Audrey Hepburn with a modern hairstyle and makeup

5. A before and after picture of Audrey Hepburn with a modern hairstyle and makeup© Mary Evans/AF Archive/ East News

6. A before and after picture of Julie Andrews with a modern hairstyle and makeup

6. A before and after picture of Julie Andrews with a modern hairstyle and makeup© Mary Evans/AF Archive/ East News

7. A before and after picture of Dolly Parton with a modern hairstyle and makeup

7. A before and after picture of Dolly Parton with a modern hairstyle and makeup© 9 to 5 / 20th Century Fox

8. A before and after picture of Jane Fonda with a modern hairstyle and makeup

8. A before and after picture of Jane Fonda with a modern hairstyle and makeup© ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News

9. A before and after picture of Jennifer Aniston with a modern hairstyle and makeup

9. A before and after picture of Jennifer Aniston with a modern hairstyle and makeup© EAST NEWS

10. A before and after picture of Demi Moore with a modern hairstyle and makeup

10. A before and after picture of Demi Moore with a modern hairstyle and makeup© PARAMOUNT PICTURES / M.C. / Album/EAST NEWS

11. A before and after picture of Liza Minnelli with a modern hairstyle and makeup

11. A before and after picture of Liza Minnelli with a modern hairstyle and makeup© A Matter of Time/American International Pictures

12. A before and after picture of Audrey Tautou with a modern hairstyle and makeup

12. A before and after picture of Audrey Tautou with a modern hairstyle and makeup© MARCOCCHI GIULIO/SIPA/EAST NEWS

13. A before and after picture of Susan Sarandon with a modern hairstyle and makeup

13. A before and after picture of Susan Sarandon with a modern hairstyle and makeup© EAST NEWS

14. A before and after picture of Sandra Bullock with a modern hairstyle and makeup

14. A before and after picture of Sandra Bullock with a modern hairstyle and makeup© 20thCentFox/Courtesy Everett Collection/ East News

15. A before and after picture of Julia Roberts with a modern hairstyle and makeup

15. A before and after picture of Julia Roberts with a modern hairstyle and makeup© Buena Vista Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection/East News

No doubt these beauty trends are there to make us look more elegant and stunning in our appearance, but there are days we don’t just have the strength to go through all those beauty hassles. So we just go on a beauty-free day.

Now tell me which time period and beauty trends you feel closest to. Which of these celebrities do you feel slayed the beauty standard for you?
