Leave A Lasting Impression With These 45 Entertaining Ice-Breaking Facts

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Leave A Lasting Impression With These 45 Entertaining Ice-Breaking Facts

One is occasionally compelled to socialize with strangers, whether at work or in a classroom. Even those who are quite gregarious find it difficult to strike up a conversation right away.

Since we don't have much spare time, we normally try to make the most of it. We consume food and drinks, rest, repeat, and take a lot of quizzes. We're talking about true-or-false, simple-or-complex, and even emoji-specific rounds.

But then, let's be honest, a games night isn't really complete without your best friend or someone else insisting they can name every Kardashian child in chronological order during a drunken quiz. Fortunately, humanity has put up a fairly useful solution to end the awkwardness - the dramatically-named ice breaker.

"What's the 'fun fact' you use during ice breakers?" someone inquired, and individuals online exchanged their go-to knowledge. As you read, scroll down, and you'll need to settle in and digest these facts.

You can even memorize them and spice things up by infusing your own ideas and examples. So here's a list of some strange and entertaining facts, perfect for planning a fun-filled weekend itinerary.

Or maybe you can just gear up for a relaxing night in with your friends this weekend.

1. Over 99% of German Shepards are dogs.

1. Over 99% of German Shepards are dogs.OldERnurse1964

2. What a story

the papal conclave (the vote thingy to decide who’s pope) in 1294 took so long that some hermit dude named Pietro sent a letter telling the cardinals to hurry the f**k up or God is gonna smite their holy a**es.

The cardinals (who were also lowkey fed up of fighting between themselves) were like ‘ok then, you should be Pope. We shall now call you Celestine the Fifth.’ And Pietro was like ‘oh s**t’. He ran away. The other cardinals were like ‘no, Celestine, don’t do that,’ and crowned him.

Pietro spent a few months then made a decree saying ‘popes can resign, also stop calling me Celestine for f***s sake’ then ran away. then the cardinals threw him in prison and he died. Poor bastard.

2. What a storytherocketandstones

3. Hmm...

3. Hmm...GreyFoxNinjaFan

4. "Platpuses are not only mammals that lay eggs and have venom, but they also make milk without having nipples. They sweat the milk out of their belly and make a bowl shape for their babies to lap it up."

4. Idmaybef*ckaplatypus

5. Nice one

Whenever my daughter has to tell a “fun fact” on the first day of school she says she was named after Thomas Jefferson. He was named a long time ago and she was named after him.

5. Nice onecareerpathlost

6. "Baby elephants suck their trunks."

6. linedashline

7. "The average cloud weighs a million pounds."

7. HonnyBrown

8. The South Pole

I was stationed at South Pole in December of 2015. At station midnight on Dec 31st, I went out to the geographic pole marker alone. Because of this, I like to tell people I was the first person to reach the South Pole in 2016….

8. The South Polelakewoodhiker

9. "Chances of getting dismembered and devoured by a total stranger are rare, so why not come over to my place and let me show you my trophy collection."

9. AffectionateAioli309

10. A Limerick

10. A Limerickezekielraiden

11. "The Eiffel Tower can grow six inches in the summer sun."

11. SenselessSpectacle

12. "The suffix “wich” is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “place that has salt.” English towns with the suffix used to be salt producers."

12. charcootmagoot

13. Judge Judy

13. Judge JudyGrandWyatt

14. Lisp

14. LispCobraChuck83

15. Due to the shape of the North American elk's esophagus, even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.

15. Due to the shape of the North American elk's esophagus, even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.tupperwarebowl

16. "One time I plugged a USB cable in correctly on the first try."

Edit: I am 100% lying. This never happened but it’s my go to fact to get a laugh. Then I say I like dogs or something like that.

16. PeterVanNostrand

17. It's for life

17. It's for lifeSirNedKingOfGila

18. "The government is hiding a billion pounds of cheese in a cave in Missouri."

18. Falcononeniner

19. "I have 120+ first cousins."

Answering a couple questions...

These are direct first cousins.

The older siblings had 10-14 kids each. The younger seem to have figured out either birth control or self control.

My mom and her siblings all had the same mom and dad.

My dad and his siblings all had the same mom and dad.

19. AnnieJack

20. Sleep apnea

20. Sleep apneaBrindlehair

21. Cold coffee and warm beer have the same temperature.

21. Cold coffee and warm beer have the same temperature.Schifty

22. The largest ice beeakers

22. The largest ice beeakersTeuthidTheSquid

23. Interesting

23. InterestingNeo1331

24. The most successful hunters

24. The most successful hunters

25. The autopilot invention

25. The autopilot invention_pounders_

26. The fastest radio

26. The fastest radiomoratnz

27. The migratory bird act

27. The migratory bird actAllegroFox

28. The Lincoln assassination

28. The Lincoln assassinationPhillipLlerenas

29. Lego

29. LegoZarquonsFlatTire

30. A nutmeg monopoly

30. A nutmeg monopolyElNakedo

31. Wow

31. WowJim-has-a-username

32. How many?

32. How many?obiwanshinobi900

33. Interesting

33. Interestingstarkeffect

34. Okay...

34. Okay...DopeCharma

35. Terrible

35. Terriblesmax410

36. The Boston strangler

36. The Boston stranglerlimbodog

37. A bottle of A1 sauce

37. A bottle of A1 sauceMcNasty420

38. A knighted position

38. A knighted positionHonest_Grade_9645

39. What an information

39. What an informationheadhunterofhell2

40. Being the officiant

40. Being the officiantboredman_getslaid

41. Sending a corn dog

41. Sending a corn dogF*cking_Casuals

42. Makes sense

42. Makes senseOldManPip5

43. Understanding money amounts

43. Understanding money amountsjknox15

44. Hmm...

44. Hmm...gvsteve

45. Flap your mouth

45. Flap your mouthowlve

You know that moment when you're having a perfectly good lunch or supper with friends or family. Then, you find yourself watching helplessly while the conversation gradually veered off into topics like "culture," "art," or "the world."

Instead of freaking out, you can prepare yourself with these amazing icebreaker facts that will make you appear extremely knowledgeable. Do share these facts with your loved ones as well.
