Hysterical Cats Who Are Just Funny Enough To Get You Through The Week
These cats are funny, but they don’t really care…

Cats can be funny sometimes, but cats will also do whatever they want, whenever they want to do it - we are just in for the ride. The best we can do is have our cameras ready to capture that moment that a cat's hilarious side shines through.
And then, of course, share it with the largest online community in the world – cat people. Thankfully, cat owners (if there is such a thing) were not lazy, and they have shared a lot of funny cat photos this week.
We have selected some of the best, and we know you are going to love them because you obviously love cats as much as we love cats.
1. A Cat who is also a heavenly creature…..

2. This cat is in charge

3. Exact copy… you might even say: copy cat *ba dum tiss*

4. Leave it to a kitty cat to find the purr-fect nap location.

5. Cats and jeans

6. Profile picture


8. Speaker…


Cat behaviorist Ingrid Johnson explained that taking pictures of felines is best done in their environment. "Taking cats out of their home for a photo shoot is often where things go awry. Use natural light and play with them to encourage them to look confident and alert."
"Also use toys to get them to look in the direction you want! You can shake treats, click, make some sort of sound to get them to look at the camera. As far as keeping them calm, again, it's about working with what they are naturally giving you rather than trying to force something," Ingrid gave us advice about cats.
"The answer is highly variable based on the cat, how well socialized to people they are, their experiences and bond with their human(s), etc. For some cats, they cannot get enough, for others, they approach and engage on their terms. Most cats prefer to control the interactions. Playing 'hard to get' is going to welcome the cat to approach you for affection. Cats have little interest in the human that wants to pick them up and smoother them with affection."
10. Suspect...


12. Just taking a cat nap.

Ingrid also clarified that we have to have rational expectations and learn to love cats for the individual traits, not the “perfect” pet image we have created in our heads.
If your cat feels left out and not loved, it will let you know. It’s pretty simple: if your kitty constantly meows at you, jumping in your lap, getting in your way, knocking things over—it needs your attention!
Don’t forget that your cat is a living creature that needs company and love. If you ignore it, cats can create even more chaos. Scraping furniture is a common way to show you that you are neglecting them.
But rewarding cats for bad behavior is totally counter-productive. Give them attention and love when they are behaving politely, not like a teenager. These simple rules will help you establish a stronger bond.


15. Expectation vs. Reality

16. If you had to guess, who was here first? The cat? Or the baby?

17. Heavy cats, dense kitties, thicc bebes



20. Onlyfans material

21. If this kitty doesn't make you laugh, you may need to contact your doctor.


23. Enjoying the sun.


25. Marilyn Manson?

26. Holy Cat

27. Brutal Cat Fight??

28. Comfortable

29. Explanation

30. They don't call cat claws murder mittens for nothin'

31. Be afraid

32. Kitten is all grown up

33. Bad day


35. This cat has blessed you

36. Looks tasty

37. Adorable kitty cat

38. When your cat smiles for the camera

39. Fluffy

40. Copy cat take two

41. He earned his likeness in figurine form (but shouldn't all cats?)

42. Big boy

43. I wonder who did it...


45. It’s a kind of magic

46. How long was I asleep?



49. Something interesting is going on outside…
