Eternal Consciousness - The Science Behind Life After Death
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He and his wife tease each other about getting divorced before their anniversary so they could remarry and go on another honeymoon
A cute inside joke turned into unnecessary drama after a friend decided to get in the middle of it. The inside joke started when the 32-year-old OP and his wife were still boyfriend and girlfriend.
They joked about "divorcing" each other before their anniversary. It was so they could get married again and go on another honeymoon.
It has been a fun three-year pre-anniversary joke they tell each other. OP labeled the anniversary reminder in his calendar as "prepare for divorce."
The reminder is set six months before their actual anniversary. It's when he plans what he wants to do for their celebration, e.g., book flights and take time off from work.
One of his wife's friends, K, saw the reminder on OP's phone. They were all hanging out, and at one point, OP excused himself.
He left his phone on the table. When he returned, K, who was usually friendly to him, acted aloof — OP thought K was just tired.
Coincidentally, OP got his anniversary reminder while he was away. K saw the "prepare for divorce" reminder and proceeded to tell their friends.
K even met with OP's wife to break the bad news. OP's wife was confused and embarrassed by the misunderstanding.
She had to explain their inside joke to K and their other concerned friends. OP was less than forgiving about K's actions.
Whatever degree of friendship K and OP had would not improve if K refused to apologize for creating drama out of a false assumption. OP is not an idiot for labeling a personal reminder using an inside joke only he and his wife would understand.
They clearly didn't expect anyone to meddle with their personal business, but K didn't get the memo. OP shouldn't feel bad for their anniversary tradition, but I don't think he should expect an apology from K.