This Hungry Cow Cat Is So Motivated That Even Locks Can't Stop Him From Getting To Food

If you don't feed this cat it will feet itself.

  • Published in Animals
This Hungry Cow Cat Is So Motivated That Even Locks Can't Stop Him From Getting To Food

Keith the Cow Cat is a certified Megachonker who proudly does not let anything come between him and what he wants in life. The ‘chonky boi’ doesn’t let his size define him and never lets anything stand in his way, and we mean anything.

The happy cat in on a veterinary died who left his parents forced to install locks on not only the refrigerator but the cabinets in their home in Bristol, England. Sara Matthews, Keith’s mom, is well aware of her boy’s obsession with food, she was left with no choice but to install the locks to prevent Keith from sneakily snacking without them suspecting anything.

Keith patiently waits until his mom opens the door to the fridge then he “clambers in,” leaving her worried that he would somehow get trapped inside. As for the cabinets, Sara attempted placing a considerably heavy bag of litter in front of the doors, but Keith simply shoved them to the side using his weight.

Keith’s mischievous personality forced his mom to put child locks on the cabinets, as well as the ones that she already installed on the fridge. But despite all her efforts, nothing could stop Keith from getting access to what he wanted.

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s a circular knob handle or a pulley, he will find a way in.” Sara told The Scottish Sun,

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s a circular knob handle or a pulley, he will find a way in.” Sara told The Scottish Sun,@keith_the_cat_cow

“I’ve now had to put all of his rations in plastic tubs with click down lids. We’ve tried puzzle feeders to slow him down but he’s just tipped them over.”

“I’ve now had to put all of his rations in plastic tubs with click down lids. We’ve tried puzzle feeders to slow him down but he’s just tipped them over.”IG

At the time of his rescue, Keith was quite malnourished and required a special diet to make his ease his stomach problems. As Keith's tummy started healing, his appetite also grew, which lead to him gaining a lot of weight after stealing other felines’ vittles.

Sara was well aware of Keith's issues when she adopted him as a 10th birthday gift for her daughter Charlie, but she never expected things to turn out this way.


“He would eat anything, even weird things like vegetables and pizza crusts by going through our bins and neighbours’ rubbish.” she explained.

“He would eat anything, even weird things like vegetables and pizza crusts by going through our bins and neighbours’ rubbish.” she explained.IG

Keith's mom has tried many things to find a solution to his eating problem; he had to undergo every veterinary test, but despite all her efforts, he managed to grow from 11lbs (4,9 kg) to 24lbs (10.8 kg). Sara ended up spending more than £2000 (roughly $2,700), attempting to figure out what made her boy so hungry all the time.

When Keith was just a kitten, he was on medications for issues he had with his eyes and ears. For a certain period, Sara was making sure that special food was made for him since he also had urinary problems, sharing:


“The usual food for that is so high in calories I couldn’t risk him eating it.”

“The usual food for that is so high in calories I couldn’t risk him eating it.”IG

“He’s a really happy cat though. I don’t think he sees his weight as an issue. "

“He’s a really happy cat though. I don’t think he sees his weight as an issue. IG

"He pretty much lives a normal cat life. Keith is a lot more energetic than my other two cats.”


The special food was roughly a hundred bucks a bag, and Keith ate this mix for three years.

The special food was roughly a hundred bucks a bag, and Keith ate this mix for three years.IG

“We paid £2,500 (US$3459.96) for blood tests for Cushing’s disease, diabetes, and more, but they all came back negative.” said Sara.

“We paid £2,500 (US$3459.96) for blood tests for Cushing’s disease, diabetes, and more, but they all came back negative.” said Sara.IG

arah feared she had almost exhausted every available option...

... she used to cry when his weight climbed on the vet's scales, but the vet nutritionist would reassure her that she had done everything she could, as did they.

arah feared she had almost exhausted every available option...IG

Keith is constantly monitored by his family, he's a healthy cat despite his obesity.

However, fears about potential problems down the road are still something that concerns Keith's family quite a lot.

Keith is constantly monitored by his family, he's a healthy cat despite his obesity.IG

Keith enjoys wearing bowties, for the handsome tuxedo cat, it's important to always look your best!

Keith enjoys wearing bowties, for the handsome tuxedo cat, it's important to always look your best!IG

He owns an extensive collection, and his poses are always flawless.

He owns an extensive collection, and his poses are always flawless.IG

No wonder he managed to become a sensation online!


Keith is lucky to have a family that cares about his well-being so much, they have nothing but unconditional love for each other, and that's something to be celebrated and praised. Because of his health problems, Keith is constantly keeping his family on their feet, and they enjoy taking care of their fluffy cowboy.
