Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds Double Their Fat Mass To Be Able To Fly Across The Golf Of Mexico In One 20-Hour Non-Stop Flight

They have one of the highest metabolic rates of any animal, with heart rates up to 1260 beats per minute and breathing rates of about 250 breaths per minute

Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds Double Their Fat Mass To Be Able To Fly Across The Golf Of Mexico In One 20-Hour Non-Stop Flight

A species of hummingbird known as the ruby-throated hummingbird often spends the winter in Central America, Mexico, and Florida before migrating to Canada and other areas of eastern North America in the summer to reproduce. It is by far the most frequent hummingbird seen in North America east of the Mississippi River.

Solitary Ruby-throated Hummingbirds live alone. Except for brief moments of courtship, adults of this species are not social; the mother additionally takes care of her young.

Male and female hummingbirds of any age will attack other hummingbirds. They may attack and chase other hummingbirds that enter their territories, such as a feeding territory, in order to defend them.

Parts of the population travel across the Gulf of Mexico during their spring migration from the Mexican Yucatan peninsula, arriving first in Florida and Louisiana. This achievement is remarkable considering that an 800 km, non-stop flight over water would appear to demand caloric energy well in excess of the 3 g of an adult hummingbird's body weight (0.11 oz).

Researchers have found that the tiny birds can increase their fat mass by double before crossing the Gulf, but they then use up all of their fat reserves during the 20-hour non-stop voyage when food and water are not available. Hummingbirds use about ten times more oxygen per gram of muscle tissue than top-level human athletes do while flying.

More Info: Reddit, Wikipedia

Redditor u/WouldbeWanderer has this interesting piece of information to share with the TodayILearned subreddit group

Redditor u/WouldbeWanderer has this interesting piece of information to share with the TodayILearned subreddit groupu/WouldbeWanderer

The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are able to fly across the Golf of Mexico in one 20-hour non-stop flight

The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are able to fly across the Golf of Mexico in one 20-hour non-stop flightWikipedia

With heart rates of up to 1260 beats per minute, breathing rates of about 250 breaths per minute even when at rest, and oxygen consumption of about 4 ml/g/hour at rest, hummingbirds have one of the highest metabolic rates of any animal. When they are active during the day, they eat regularly.

When the weather gets chilly, especially at night, they could preserve energy by going into hypothermic torpor.

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A hummingbird's ability to hover is attributed to its small mass, rapid wingbeats, and comparatively high mass-specific power margin. The major flight muscles, which are proportionately large, and the anatomy of the bird's wings, which allow it to hold its wings extended and turned over, among other anatomical characteristics, also play a role.

This produces lift to support movement and body weight.
