This Dating Advice From The 1950s Will Help You Find A Husband... Or Not.
Old people make fun of Tinder, yet this was the dating advice they dealt out.

We all know the struggle of finding the perfect partner, and I'm sure some of us may have done some sneaky research into dating tips. Clearly finding a date has been a problem across the ages, and one magazine offered "129 ways to get a husband." (Yes, it is as sexist as you think it will be.)
This advice column was found in McCall's, and American women's magazine who's readership peaked at 8.4 million in the 1960's. This column comes from the January 1958 edition. Now during this time, it is worth remembering that gender roles were very firmly instilled; with finding a husband and becoming a mother seen as being a woman's only purpose in life.
Where to find him
The first section of the list includes a bunch of places where you may be able to find a husband. Easy, non-creepy places; such as census information, obituaries (to find widowers) and choosing a career exclusively so you can meet your future husband and then quit your job to raise his kids.

The easiest way to find a husband? Why carrying a hat box of course! While I'm assuming this advice doesn't all translate seamlessly across eras, maybe wearing a band-aid will be the foolproof solution we've needed all along!
We should also be incredibly thankful for gender imbalances in the workplace so we can follow number 20 with ease.
And, if you're super quirky; set up an easel and do some painting outside an engineering school, of all places.

Some of these so-called dating tips can be directly translated into life advice, like number 55. It is very important to take care of your health, for yourself though, not just pleasing men.
Others though, are not good life advice. This article's solution to looking good for men? Sunburn. Never mind the skin cancer, so long as there's a husband to take care of it.
You should also show no weakness and not tell him about any allergies you have; wouldn't want him to know not to buy food with nuts in, would you?

Basically, don't be yourself or honest about what you want from your potential relationship. Lying is always the healthiest way to find a husband.

Go to Yale! Why? Ivy-league education? Nope! Rich husband hunting. But, if you know he's rich, make sure you tell him you like money-- the honesty will intrigue him (apparently).
