A Question Has Been Thrown About Basic Skills You Thought Everyone Knew Until You Saw Someone Doing It Horribly And The Redditors' Replies Will Leave You In Awe

It is expected of you to know certain basic skills, or you can call them survival skills.

A Question Has Been Thrown About Basic Skills You Thought Everyone Knew Until You Saw Someone Doing It Horribly And The Redditors' Replies Will Leave You In Awe

There are so many basic skills available to learn in the world, and some skills even come naturally. As a human being, it’s expected of you to know certain basic skills, or you can call them survival skills.

Most of these basic skills are taught to us while growing up by our parents or guardians, and in due time, we do them without shedding a sweat. But you’ll be amazed at the number of people who don’t know how to do basic things as simple as mopping or even sweeping.

For some, they have had domestic staff cater to them all their lives and they don’t know how to do a thing. For others, they just suck at doing these simple things, but then again, you have to keep on trying.

You can imagine meeting some people and then finding out that they can’t cook the simplest food or even operate a washing machine. And in most cases, you find out that these people have been well taken care of by employed staff, and their feet have never touched the ground.

The redditor today, named u/Gaelic_Gladiator_64, is asking the r/AskReddit community about a basic skill they grew up thinking everyone had until they saw others do it so horribly.

Here's the question

Here's the questionu/Gaelic_Gladiator_64

The comments to this question are worth thinking about. Like how would some people not know how to do things this basic.

Well, let's take a look at the top comments by the reddit community...

Being polite, having manners and learning

This can't be so hard to do or learn.

Being polite, having manners and learningMarcella111001

Read the instructions

Read the instructionsmadInTheBox

Whatever you don't know, search the internet

Whatever you don't know, search the internetSamuraiJack815

Explaining things by repeating what you said previously

Explaining things by repeating what you said previouslyGODDAMNUBERNICE

How can someone not know how to cook eggs... What!

How can someone not know how to cook eggs... What!McPoyal

Mopping and sweeping... I can't deal

Mopping and sweeping... I can't dealThatGuyWithThatFace_

I'm asking the same question as the second commenter

I'm asking the same question as the second commenter Handsome121duck

Laundry and emptying the drier lint

Laundry and emptying the drier lintbabybaloneyfriend

Not knowing how to use computers

Not knowing how to use computersiuytrefdgh436yujhe2

Being able to figure things out

The last sentence of the last comment...lol

Being able to figure things outnaphomci

Following simple written directions

Following simple written directionsUnluckyObserver_1

Being gentle with your things

Being gentle with your thingsGlassCannonLife

Make use of the index of a book

Make use of the index of a bookSource

It is baffling that some people can't look up answers online

It is baffling that some people can't look up answers onlineSandpaperVoice

Know when to call emergency services

Know when to call emergency servicesUnwittingPlantKiller

This can be very annoying

Why would I clean up after myself and someone who messes things up is blaming me? I'd pack out too.

This can be very annoyingpeaceful-otter

Hygiene, hygiene, hygiene...

Take your hygiene seriously.

Hygiene, hygiene, hygiene...DarkMonkey98

What a cooking method

What a cooking methodSneaky_Arachnid

The number of young people who can't operate a computer is alarming

The number of young people who can't operate a computer is alarmingArcinbiblo12

Well, some people do fear water...

Well, some people do fear water...CameForTheFunOfIt

The scientific method

The scientific methodEarthExile

The utmost sympathy for anyone who can't cook

"Here, Cook this" and you don't have the foggiest idea on how to go about it... Whew!

The utmost sympathy for anyone who can't cookTigerTownTerror

Normally, everyone ought to know one basic skill or the other, but voila, you see someone who can’t mop, sweep, or do other basic things. Well, thanks to domestic staff, because some people's homes will be a huge truckload of dirt and dumping.

So tell us about your own experience with a basic skill that you saw someone do horribly. 
