Dogs Go Missing As Parents Neglect Their Daughter's Strict Leash Instructions, It Ruins Her Honeymoon

"I'm a wreck, I may never see my babies again"

Dogs Go Missing As Parents Neglect Their Daughter's Strict Leash Instructions, It Ruins Her Honeymoon

You might be aware of the tension that comes with having a dog that enjoys roaming around. It's not uncommon to get lost in a phone call when taking your dog for a walk.

It's possible that your focus will change slightly, and when you glance down, your pet is gone. The idea of your dog going missing is horrifying, which is why the OP always keeps her dogs on a leash.

The OP has two female dogs, both rescues and absolutely indoor dogs. They live right next to a highway, and given the opportunity, the more dominant of the two dogs has and will always run away for a doggie adventure.

Each time, it has ended in a near-death experience for her and a well-instilled fear of what might happen if she ever got away again. As the OP was going on her honeymoon, she handed the dogs over to her parents, who lived in a rural area, with strict instructions to keep them leashed.

Living in a rural region, you might witness other dogs out on walks, and just like other dogs, your dog may like exploring and going on walks. Regretfully, letting your dog run around is neither suitable nor safe.

Yet, OP's parents chose not to listen but to let the dogs roam free, and they didn't return. The OP was informed, and she tried to process the information.

Ultimately, they spent the remaining days of their honeymoon worrying about their dogs.

OP writes

OP writesReddit/Sallistria

The honeymoon was going great, until tragedy struck

The honeymoon was going great, until tragedy struckReddit/Sallistria

They left their dogs with OP's parents as they live in the same town

They left their dogs with OP's parents as they live in the same townReddit/Sallistria

The biggest issue the y having is that she has no idea how to react

The biggest issue the y having is that she has no idea how to reactReddit/Sallistria

All of this effort doesn't change the fact that they disrespected them

All of this effort doesn't change the fact that they disrespected themReddit/Sallistria

The OP left a summary just in case you couldn't read the full story above

Left my babies (dogs) with parents while honeymooning - only to discover 5/7 days in that they just let them go into the woods... still not found... advise me on how to handle this crushing event!

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...Reddit/Sallistria

Hoping the OP finds her dogs

Hoping the OP finds her dogsReddit/Sallistria

They should have fixed the problem themselves

They should have fixed the problem themselvesReddit/Sallistria

This Redditor has a similar story to share

This Redditor has a similar story to shareReddit/Sallistria

They blatantly disregarded the OP's instructions

They blatantly disregarded the OP's instructionsReddit/Sallistria

This is important to remember

This is important to rememberReddit/Sallistria

The OP left this edit for Redditors later on

Thank you so much for the responces so far, I'm getting ready to get on a 6 hr flight and will check in later.

Here's the second edit

Here's the second editReddit/Sallistria

And the third edit

And the third editReddit/Sallistria

And here's the last edit

And here's the last editReddit/Sallistria

Even under supervision, dogs shouldn't be left unattended as they might stray too far and never return. They might even be kept or taken to the shelter by someone so why take that chance?

OP's parents should learn to leash the dogs or keep them in a secured area, with them at all times. If they had taken basic safety precautions, OP's beloved dogs will have still been with them.
