Jimmy Kimmel Asks People if Homo Sapiens Should Be Saved, and Their Answers are Truly Concerning

It is horrific how little some people know.

  • Published in Funny
Jimmy Kimmel Asks People if Homo Sapiens Should Be Saved, and Their Answers are Truly Concerning

Homo Sapiens is a Latin term for "wise man" used to represent the human species. The term was introduced in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus. The term is primarily used in scientific publications or educational material.

You would think most people know the term and what is meant by it but as the following images will show, that part of the educational system has clearly failed a concerning number of individuals in today's society. When Jimmy Kimmel asks people on the street about Homo sapiens and whether they’d be willing to save them or donate money to avoid their extinction.

The responses given were both hilarious and concerning.

Save the Homo Sapiens?

Recently Jimmy Kimmel took to the streets to ask people if Homo Sapiens were worth saving and whether they would be willing to donate to the cause. Many of the following people did not know what Homo Sapiens are and as a result lied their way through the questions in classical comical fashion.

Save the Homo Sapiens?

At least you know.

At least you know.

And we definitely don't want to see Homo Sapiens go the same way.

And we definitely don't want to see Homo Sapiens go the same way.

Sounds like that is what you're saying.

Sounds like that is what you're saying.

OHHHH you will care.

OHHHH you will care.

She has no idea what she's on about.

She has no idea what she's on about.

Give more than that. It is the difference between life and death.

Give more than that. It is the difference between life and death.

Did you?

Did you?

Just like that, a zoo employee got fired for unprofessional acts.

Just like that, a zoo employee got fired for unprofessional acts.

You have no idea how wrong you are.

You have no idea how wrong you are.



Here is the full video.

Watch this video to watch these amazing responses for yourself.

Here is what others had to say about the interviews on Jimmy Kimmel's show.

Not technically wrong.

Here is what others had to say about the interviews on Jimmy Kimmel's show.

I feel like both is the correct response.

I feel like both is the correct response.

Sorry but this is the reason. You guys are better than these.

Sorry but this is the reason. You guys are better than these.

With some of these responses, a lot worse could happen.

With some of these responses, a lot worse could happen.

The last comment agrees.

The last comment agrees.

Some people make you believe that is true.

Some people make you believe that is true.

Never understood why it isn't already.

They change the graphics but don't add this. I'll never get that.

Never understood why it isn't already.

This comment says it all.

This comment says it all.

What do you think?

What do you think of these comments? Do you believe Homo Sapiens should be saved?;)
