Historical Mementos Internet Users Randomly Found That Are Quite Interesting And Sometimes Even Funny
They're random but somehow each and every one of them is interesting in its own way

Random pieces of paper often seem unimportant at first glance, but upon further investigation, you might realize that something is truly unique and interesting about certain ones. The older they are, the more interesting they end up being because they allow you to take a glimpse into the past as if you were actually there in person.
There's a Reddit community of just over 147k members called r/FoundPaper, where users basically share pieces of paper they randomly stumbled upon in the wild. There are no specific requirements, and users are free to share any piece of paper of their choosing, as long as it's interesting.
1. "Was Told To Post Here: My Cousin Is Using This Bag Which Originally Belonged To Our Great Grandmother For Her Dance Tomorrow Night And Found A Note Which Has Been Hidden For 81 Years"

2. "My Mother-In-Law Found A Message In A Bottle Washed Up On The Beach This Weekend. East Coast"

3. "This Came Out Of A Book I Was Flipping Through"

4. "Garage Sale Find (1929) - About 100 Love Letters Over Two Years From A Guy In Seattle To A Girl In Aberdeen, Wa"

5. "Good Advice For Everyone!"

6. "Purchased Old Poetry Book At Flea Market And Found This Old Receipt For A College Poetry Class. This Receipt Has Been In This Book For 102 Years!"

7. "Found In The Hallway Of My School"

8. "Found Posted On A Couple Of The Walls Around My City. Email At The Bottom Blacked Out"

9. "Death Warrant For My 10th Great Grandmother Susannah North Martin, Tried And Convicted At The Salem Witch Trials"

10. "This Book From 1892 I Found Inside A Hole In The Wall In A Rental Flat"

11. "Found In A Couch Being Re-Upholstered"

12. "In The Library"

13. "Found On A Collected Airplane Food Tray By Flight Attendant"

14. "Found This Passive Aggressive Customer Service Letter From 1964 In My Garage"

15. "Paper Found Among My Late Grandmother’s Belongings Talking About The Armistice Ending Ww I"

16. "Found Under Windshield"

17. "Friend Of Mine Just Moved Into A New House. Took Off All The Heating Vents To Paint Them, And This Was Behind One Of Them"

18. "Found (Under) Wallpaper"

19. "Found On The Floor Of A Target. Meet Carla Rose"

20. "Prom - April 24, 1970. Found While Walking The Dog This Morning"

21. “Ain’t I A Peach? Ha, Ha” In A 1895 Bible

22. "Historicfound This On The Street In Downtown Sd About 4 Years Ago When I Needed It Most. It’s Been In My Wallet Ever Since"

23. "No. Not Yet." ~ Found In 1908 High School Geometry Textbook

24. "Found In My Apartment Building Lobby Today In North Dakota"

25. "Sad Find Today"

26. "Bought An Abandoned House And Found This In The Attic"

27. "Found In My Fortune Cookie....made Me Smile"

28. "I Remember That Old Pole"

29. Found On My Daily Walk —“Wow”

30. "This Dollar Bill I Found In My Change"
