These Hilariously Crappy Designs Are Some Of The Most Entertaining Things On The Internet

Someone needs to get fired.

  • Published in Funny
These Hilariously Crappy Designs Are Some Of The Most Entertaining Things On The Internet

There are a lot of designs and designers out there, and unfortunately, a lot of them are not really that good, but even though they happen to be that way, people are still using them considering that in a couple of rare cases, these designs happen to be compatible with some people's odd tastes. 

Because of that, the rest of us have to suffer whenever we stumble upon these really mediocrely thought of designs. But this time, some of these design fails were not exactly intentional, which made the whole thing really hilarious and made it much less painful to observe.

1. Good luck breeding those two

1. Good luck breeding those twoReddit

2. Seriously? You're still not sure about that -_-

2. Seriously? You're still not sure about that -_-Reddit

3. Hell yeah! Quit School kids!

3. Hell yeah! Quit School kids!Reddit

4. Beautiful, just beautiful

4. Beautiful, just beautifulReddit

5. Grab her by the...nevermind

5. Grab her by the...nevermindReddit

6. That's a you have there

6. That's a you have thereReddit

7. They need to make this movie

7. They need to make this movieReddit

8. No thanks, I'd rather do it in the bathroom

8. No thanks, I'd rather do it in the bathroomReddit

9. Mirror ceiling, whoever designed this deserves an award

9. Mirror ceiling, whoever designed this deserves an awardReddit

10. Those are flowers, yep, definitely flowers

10. Those are flowers, yep, definitely flowersReddit

11. It's slow children hunting season

11. It's slow children hunting seasonReddit

12. So basically me, thanks

12. So basically me, thanksReddit

13. Oh god

13. Oh godReddit

14. He doesn't look very grateful about it

14. He doesn't look very grateful about itReddit