50 Hilarious And Weird Signs That Actually Exist In The World

These are signs that hilariously neglect to fulfill their objective.

  • Published in Funny
50 Hilarious And Weird Signs That Actually Exist In The World

Signs should have the most essential and functional purposes. You anticipate that they should be brief, clear, and straight to the point.

They’re there to give information or direction and assist us with coasting through life with practically no concerns. Yet, we must tell you that this couldn’t possibly be further from the truth!

There are certain signs that hilariously neglect to fulfill their objective, even though you want to be really far away from the most irregular announcements or threatening messages. So let us acquaint you with the 'Weird Signs’ Facebook page that proves the Universe has a twisted sense of humor.

The page is dedicated to the most strange street or shop signs out there that attempt to make their points clear but show the direct opposite. The Facebook page creators offer real proof that unforeseen and ironic scenarios are surrounding us, just waiting to be found.

Below, we have gathered some of the best examples from the page, so keep scrolling and get ready for a good laugh. One more thing: as you’re looking at this collection of pictures, you’ll see that a few signs look more ridiculous than ironic.

They can make us stop, take a moment to think, and just be like, “What in the world is happening here?” There’s no question that unreasonable and out-of-context messages make us a bit puzzled, but they are likewise ideal entertainment.

1. Poor baby, what could have happened?

1. Poor baby, what could have happened?weirdsigns

2. So cute

2. So cuteweirdsigns

3. Seriously...

3. Seriously...weirdsigns

4. Wait, what!

4. Wait, what!weirdsigns

5. It truly is

5. It truly isweirdsigns

6. It's quite clear to see

6. It's quite clear to seeweirdsigns

7. Okay, noted!

7. Okay, noted!weirdsigns

8. Yeah, we see how well you fit

8. Yeah, we see how well you fitweirdsigns

9. What's with the "lol" first?

9. What's with the weirdsigns

10. How exactly are we supposed to reach the Chigwell Stanford Rivers now?

10. How exactly are we supposed to reach the Chigwell Stanford Rivers now?weirdsigns

11. Drive safely

11. Drive safelyweirdsigns

12. This person clearly didn't heed

12. This person clearly didn't heedweirdsigns

13. Morrison all the way to morons!

13. Morrison all the way to morons!weirdsigns

14. A day care for husbands

14. A day care for husbandsweirdsigns

15. Really?

15. Really?weirdsigns

16. Wow, congrats restroom...

16. Wow, congrats restroom...weirdsigns

17. Yet it couldn't fasten

17. Yet it couldn't fastenweirdsigns

18. Are you sure about that?

18. Are you sure about that?weirdsigns

19. We sure will...

19. We sure will...weirdsigns

20. Just following the instructions

20. Just following the instructionsweirdsigns

21. You can't be serious...

21. You can't be serious...weirdsigns

22. Take your pick

22. Take your pickweirdsigns

23. Dwell on it and get more confused

23. Dwell on it and get more confusedweirdsigns

24. I don't really get this though

24. I don't really get this thoughweirdsigns

25. Just have a drink

25. Just have a drinkweirdsigns

26. Clearly

26. Clearlyweirdsigns

27. Ugh... High winds from where?

27. Ugh... High winds from where?weirdsigns

28. Interesting

28. Interestingweirdsigns

29. Attention to all golfers

29. Attention to all golfersweirdsigns

30. Touch its edges and get hurt

30. Touch its edges and get hurtweirdsigns

31. Okay

31. Okayweirdsigns

32. Help us make your public spaces safe

32. Help us make your public spaces safeweirdsigns

33. Add a question mark to that...

33. Add a question mark to that...weirdsigns

34. Got it

34. Got itweirdsigns

35. Cars go into the water... Got it

35. Cars go into the water... Got itweirdsigns

36. Darn confusing

36. Darn confusingweirdsigns

37. Climax versus high point

37. Climax versus high pointweirdsigns

38. So the children are slow?

38. So the children are slow?weirdsigns

39. Doesn't look like it

39. Doesn't look like itweirdsigns

40. Interesting ease

40. Interesting easeweirdsigns

41. Hmm...

41. Hmm...weirdsigns

42. Where are the costumers?

42. Where are the costumers?weirdsigns

43. Huh...

43. Huh...weirdsigns

44. Suitable for legs I guess

44. Suitable for legs I guessweirdsigns

45. There's a spot for super heroes

45. There's a spot for super heroesweirdsigns

46. Why would I?

46. Why would I?weirdsigns

47. There's a spot for pregnant wifi women

47. There's a spot for pregnant wifi womenweirdsigns

48. Halfway to where exactly?

48. Halfway to where exactly?weirdsigns

49. If you're lost, just go this way

49. If you're lost, just go this wayweirdsigns

50. You'll get there soon

50. You'll get there soonweirdsigns

Whenever we see the irony, we are able to recognize it. These startling moments often get us off guard and keep playing on repeat in our minds by totally going against our expectations.

Make sure to tell us which signpost left you laughing or forced you to scratch your head in confusion. And if you have any other signs to share, please leave them in the comments section!
