I'm definitely included in the majority here that does NOT refer to my dog with her actual name, 99% of the time. She's got so many different names, all of which she knows by heart and responds to.
Her name is Jane, and I get so much grief for that from the people that know me IRL. Probably because it's plain. But it fits her! She's also, Jane Poo. Fat Mama Jama. Janer Poostrum. Fat Mawmaw.
You get the gist.
What's really funny, is my littles have learned her 'other' names and refer to her with them sometimes and I crack up every, single, time.
One Twitter user posted about calling his dog everything but his true name, of course a slew of people chimed in with what they call their pets. Must be a human thing.
Excuse me while I pick my favorite from everyone's list of names. Join me!