Absolutely Hilarious Memes You'll Only Understand If You're From A Small Midwestern Town

Y'all are gonna laugh today.

  • Published in Funny
Absolutely Hilarious Memes You'll Only Understand If You're From A Small Midwestern Town

Small town living has it's perks, there's no denying it. The people tend to be nice, the crime tends to be low, and it's definitely quiet. But small town living isn't all quaint, it's got its hilarity, too. Even in larger small towns with a couple thousand people, chances are, everyone knows everyone. Everyone is nosy as all hell. Everyone is super, super bored, but their ideas of shenanigans and mischief just result in wide-eyed, nodding from folks in the city.

If you've spent any portion of your life in a small town, you've probably spent most of it there, but these memes and inside jokes are going to speak to your small town soul.

1. Just another cock-a-doodle-doo.

There are worse things.

1. Just another cock-a-doodle-doo.imgur

2. Because there is nothing else to do.

And football is life... this is where small town heroes are born.

2. Because there is nothing else to do.imgur

3. Nosy, nosy!

The accuracy hurts.

3. Nosy, nosy!imgur

4. It happens more often than you'd think, too.

There may be more tractors than cars, sometimes.

4. It happens more often than you'd think, too. imgur

5. Cows for days. And cow poop. And a time of the day where the whole town smells like cow poop.

Three paths: pregnant, on drugs, factory work. Anything else is a diamond in the rough.

5. Cows for days. And cow poop. And a time of the day where the whole town smells like cow poop.twitter

6. It's complicated.

You may have heard of "nearby" towns and cities, though.

6. It's complicated.twitter

7. You could tell it to, "mooooooo-ve..."

But it will look at you like you're stupid.

7. You could tell it to, twitter

8. Each truck has a distinct sound.

If you think I'm joking then your town isn't small.

8. Each truck has a distinct sound.twitter

9. Every Midwestern Person GETS THIS


9. Every Midwestern Person GETS THISimgur

10. You're never too old to get tattled on if you live in a small town.


10. You're never too old to get tattled on if you live in a small town.twitter

11. 62,000... LOL

No, bless your heart, but no.

11. 62,000... LOLimgur

12. It's getting LIT IN THIS BIATCH

This will be the fancy place until an Olive Garden opens.

12. It's getting LIT IN THIS BIATCHimgur

13. Europeans will look at this in a completely baffled fashion.

It's just a few states over!

13. Europeans will look at this in a completely baffled fashion.imgur

14. I feel personally attacked, but okay.

We can't help it if the tornado looks cool ASF.

14. I feel personally attacked, but okay.imgur

15. Eventually... it's inescapable.

Thank goodness for the Internet and meeting people from outside your breeding circle, right?

15. Eventually... it's inescapable.imgur

16. Drive Around

Sometimes in a tractor.

16. Drive Aroundtwitter

17. Crime Stoppers

What a conundrum.

17. Crime Stoppersimgur

18. Hmm, something doesn't seem right here.

Add about 12 more churches and a McDonalds and you're ready.

18. Hmm, something doesn't seem right here.imgur

19. Because the teachers drove trucks, too.

DUH Sue-Ellen Bobby-Jean!

19. Because the teachers drove trucks, too.imgur

20. Drink, drink, drink.

Alcoholism exists because of small towns in Iowa.

20. Drink, drink, drink.imgur

21. The pinacle of fancy:

Olive Garden.

21. The pinacle of fancy:imgur

22. So many pregnancies.


22. So many pregnancies. twitter

23. When you have nothing better to do as a police officer.

Try this in Chicago and they'll hang up on you. Try this in even a marginally larger town and you might get a ticket.

23. When you have nothing better to do as a police officer.imgur