30 People Share Conversations They Overheard In L.A. Because They Were Just Too Hilarious Not to Share

Sometimes you can't help but overhear certain conversations...

  • Published in Funny
30 People Share Conversations They Overheard In L.A. Because They Were Just Too Hilarious Not to Share

As social beings, we humans love to talk. It's practically our favorite pastime, next to napping and binge-watching TV shows.

But let's be real, we're also incredibly curious creatures. We just can't help but eavesdrop on the juicy conversation happening at the next table over.

It's not our fault, really. Blame it on our innate sense of curiosity. We're like a bunch of nosy little raccoons, always on the lookout for the next big scoop.

And when it comes to overhearing conversations, we're like a bunch of thirsty reporters in the middle of a heatwave. We'll do whatever it takes to get that exclusive piece of information.

If you happen to forget your headphones at home, don't worry, there are still plenty of ways to keep yourself entertained. While it may be considered rude to eavesdrop on conversations, it's not uncommon to catch bits and pieces of dialogue while out and about.

In fact, an Instagram account called 'Overheard LA' has dedicated itself to collecting and sharing these overheard conversations. Based in Los Angeles, the snippets they collect cover an incredibly diverse range of topics and themes.

From funny one-liners to deep philosophical discussions, 'Overheard LA' captures a slice of life in the city of angels that is sure to keep you entertained. We've gathered some of the most entertaining examples here for you to enjoy.

These conversations offer a fascinating glimpse into what it's like to live in LA and the unique experiences that its residents encounter on a daily basis. So, sit back and get ready to laugh, ponder, and be entertained.

With your popcorn in hand, scroll down for some of the best quotes from 'Overheard LA.' Are you ready?

Let's go.

Sometimes you hear other people's conversations without even trying...

Sometimes you hear other people's conversations without even trying...Freepik

1. Cozy

1. Cozyoverheardla

2. Ashes

2. Ashesoverheardla

3. Less than a parking meter

3. Less than a parking meteroverheardla

4. Trauma footprint

4. Trauma footprintoverheardla

5. Husband reposting

5. Husband repostingoverheardla

6. Wish it was me

6. Wish it was meoverheardla

7. Every psycho

7. Every psychooverheardla

8. Talking normal

8. Talking normaloverheardla

9. So weird

9. So weirdoverheardla

10. Sleeping with Greg

10. Sleeping with Gregoverheardla

11. Such a good workout

11. Such a good workoutoverheardla

12. Creepy guy stuff

12. Creepy guy stuffoverheardla

13. Winning at relationships

13. Winning at relationshipsoverheardla

14. Mom was right

14. Mom was rightoverheardla

15. Even vegans

15. Even vegansoverheardla

16. Only then

16. Only thenoverheardla

17. Oh, same

17. Oh, sameoverheardla

18. The Big Avocado

18. The Big Avocadooverheardla

19. No odor

19. No odoroverheardla

20. A discourager

20. A discourageroverheardla

21. Too late

21. Too lateoverheardla

22. The same thing

22. The same thingoverheardla

23. Yes, that is a great definition

23. Yes, that is a great definitionoverheardla

24. Does that count?

24. Does that count?overheardla

25. Not hot or rich enough

25. Not hot or rich enoughoverheardla

26. Bisexual shirts

26. Bisexual shirtsoverheardla

27. Find your peace

27. Find your peaceoverheardla

28. That is not sound advice

28. That is not sound adviceoverheardla

29. Uncomfortable silence

29. Uncomfortable silenceoverheardla

30. How?

30. How?overheardla

So, the next time you find yourself engrossed in a conversation with your friends, beware of the sneaky eavesdroppers lurking nearby. You never know who might be listening in and getting their kicks from your riveting discussion about the best flavor of ice cream or the latest conspiracy theory.

Stay vigilant, my friends, and always watch your words. You never know who might be overhearing your every word!
