If You're Having A Hard Time Choosing Your Next Dog, This Hilarious Dog Breed's Guide Will Come In Handy

This guide is just perfect

  • Published in Animals
If You're Having A Hard Time Choosing Your Next Dog, This Hilarious Dog Breed's Guide Will Come In Handy

Considering how many dog breeds are out there, it can get really confusing sometimes. Pinpointing exactly what breed a certain dog is can be quite tricky since a lot of them look exactly alike. 

Which is why Grace Gogarty a.k.a. Little Tunny was kind enough to come up with a comprehensive comic series that will ease up the process of identifying dog breeds.

Little Tunny started off by dividing her work into three categories: big, medium and small dog breeds, that way no doggo will ever get left out and people would easily get introduced to a particular new breed they never were aware of.

1. Husky

1. HuskyGrace Gogarty

2. Dobermann

2. DobermannGrace Gogarty

3. German Shepherd

3. German ShepherdGrace Gogarty

4. Pitt bulls

4. Pitt bullsGrace Gogarty

5. Labs

5. LabsGrace Gogarty

6. Great Dane

6. Great DaneGrace Gogarty

7. Rottweiler

7. RottweilerGrace Gogarty

8. Yorkshire Terrier

8. Yorkshire TerrierGrace Gogarty

9. Bernese Mountain Dog

9. Bernese Mountain DogGrace Gogarty

10. Pug

10. PugGrace Gogarty

11. Border Collies

11. Border ColliesGrace Gogarty

12. Golden Retriever

12. Golden RetrieverGrace Gogarty

13. Poodles and Doodles

13. Poodles and DoodlesGrace Gogarty

14. Bulldog

14. BulldogGrace Gogarty

15. Newfound Land

15. Newfound LandGrace Gogarty