26 Pictures Of The Most Hilarious Disney-Themed Cake Fails That Will Have You In Stitches

Looking at these Cake fails, it’s so hard to recognize the Disney characters.

  • Published in Disney
26 Pictures Of The Most Hilarious Disney-Themed Cake Fails That Will Have You In Stitches

It’s easy to walk into any cake shop and grab a cup cake or even a huge one, but we never know the amount of work that went into it. Making a cake is no simple task, and if you’re a baker, you already know what is involved.

It’s not easy to make a cake that tastes great but also looks great. You have to know the right amount of flour, the right measure of butter, how many eggs to put in, and the like.

It doesn’t end there. You also need to know what degree to set the oven at, time the process, know when to take out the cake so it doesn’t burn, and all the rest.

Wait, that’s not where it ends, as you have to look into decorating the cake so it can be eye-catching. Goodness! It’s never easy, but there are people who have perfected the art, and they’re so good at what they do.

Then there are those who can’t just seem to get it right and they end up having terrible cake fails. The lists below are supposed to be cakes that highlight Disney characters, but they ended up being a terrible fail.

Obviously, what they got wasn't the very thing they anticipated getting. Believe me when I say these cakes are so miserable they could make you shed a tear while laughing so hard.

1. "We ordered fondant Rapunzel cake topper. Needless to say we had a very good laugh at peasant Rapunzel"

1. cosette13

2. Just When You Thought Sharks Couldn't Possibly Be More Terrifying

2. Just When You Thought Sharks Couldn't Possibly Be More TerrifyingMetaweb

3. Throwback To That Time I Tried My Triedest To Make My Larry A Chewbacca Cake And Failed Woefully At It

3. Throwback To That Time I Tried My Triedest To Make My Larry A Chewbacca Cake And Failed Woefully At Itveganasfug

4. And That's The Last Time I Ever Tried To Make A Princess Cake For My Family

4. And That's The Last Time I Ever Tried To Make A Princess Cake For My FamilyBeezy357

5. What I Asked For Versus What I Got... Speechless

5. What I Asked For Versus What I Got... Speechless

6. I Asked For A Cake Wreck Fail For My Birthday. They Nailed It

6. I Asked For A Cake Wreck Fail For My Birthday. They Nailed Itmegrrl

7. Check out this wreck of an Olaf Cake

7. Check out this wreck of an Olaf Cakeperiwinklecakes

8. It Crashed And It Burned

8. It Crashed And It BurnedPinterest

9. Take a look at this Ariel Cake

9. Take a look at this Ariel Cakeimgur.com

10. Everyone, here is a Moana Cake

10. Everyone, here is a Moana CakeVoting_Siamang

11. A Huge Ursula Cake Fail

11. A Huge Ursula Cake Fail

12. I asked for a Buzz Lightyear Cake

12. I asked for a Buzz Lightyear CakeRakqel

13. My Darth Maul Birthday Cake Ate Too Much Cake And Here's The Result

13. My Darth Maul Birthday Cake Ate Too Much Cake And Here's The Resultm00ska

14. Shall we call this Cindroola???

14. Shall we call this Cindroola???SoyNutoftheNorth

15. Cake And Photoshop Certainly Don't Mix

15. Cake And Photoshop Certainly Don't MixOh Geez Eva

16. My Wife Doesn't Understand Why Everyone Is Laughing At Her Cake. Can You Tell Why?

16. My Wife Doesn't Understand Why Everyone Is Laughing At Her Cake. Can You Tell Why?marsupial23

17. I requested for a Baby Yoda Cake

17. I requested for a Baby Yoda CakeNightStar79

18. I ordered for a Minnie Mouse Cake and it's clearly a fail

18. I ordered for a Minnie Mouse Cake and it's clearly a failreddit

19. Ordered A Birthday Cake For My Niece And It Arrrived

19. Ordered A Birthday Cake For My Niece And It Arrrivedehsan

20. When The Thinker-Bell You Ordered Is Huge

20. When The Thinker-Bell You Ordered Is Hugepinterest

21. Just Kill Me Already

21. Just Kill Me AlreadyMK4536

22. Made My Little Sister An Ariel Cake For Her Birthday And I Believe I Totally Nailed It

22. Made My Little Sister An Ariel Cake For Her Birthday And I Believe I Totally Nailed Itimgur

23. Cinderella Has A Very Strong Jawline... Take A Look

23. Cinderella Has A Very Strong Jawline... Take A Looksoparamens

24. The Minnie Mouse I ordered versus what I received

24. The Minnie Mouse I ordered versus what I receivedreddit

25. This Is An Elsa Cake That Is Straight Out Of Our Nightmares

25. This Is An Elsa Cake That Is Straight Out Of Our Nightmarespakhtunov

26 This Is Clearly A Cursed Lion King Cake

26 This Is Clearly A Cursed Lion King Cakereddit

Looking at these Cake fails, it’s so hard to recognize the characters. These were probably made for awful children who had their whole parties destroyed by these cakes that were a total flop.

Which of them had you laughing so hard you had to grab your tummy? Leave your replies below and share this post with your loved ones as well.
