Hilarious Coworkers That Managed To Make Work Much More Tolerable
We all know at least one person like this.

People are usually unhappy whenever they're working, so they're always looking for a way to entertain themselves while in their workplace in order to make work much more tolerable. People always manage to find a couple of things that help make time go quicker.
If you're not creative enough to come up with your own stuff, there is always at least one co-worker who's constantly doing entertaining things either by himself or collectively with other coworkers.
The coworkers in the pictures below took it to the next level and managed to entertain all of their coworkers at once with their stunts.
"We shrunk a co-worker's desk while he was on vacation. (Art Director for scale)"

"My friends work requires a doctors note if you call in sick"

This coworker included a photo of Jeff Goldblum in every frame for sale

"We have a wallpaper forest on one of the walls at work. I wonder how long till the boss notices my upgrade."

Such a dangerous work place

This stapler's life is way more interesting than mine

Laziest guy in the world

Goddamit Shane

Perfect cosplay

" My coworkers and I can never decide where to eat for lunch, so we made a system to help us choose. I give you: The Hungry Games."

Such a considerate coworker

The very last thing he mentioned is very important

His coworker told him that his tire was slashed

They should put that in a museum

No one bothered to open the box so they just started decorating it
