20 Hilarious Comics With Unexpected And Twisted Endings

These comics will not only surprise you but also put a smile on your face.

  • Published in Funny
20 Hilarious Comics With Unexpected And Twisted Endings

Ever heard of Bits & Pieces? If you haven’t, then you should check these web comics.

It features a variety of trending subject matters touching our day-to-day stuff but with twisted endings. Among its topics include the recent pandemic (Coronavirus), programming, pop culture, and the US elections among others that are controversial.

A software engineer by the day is the person behind all these concepts. His name is Harry.

Hailing from Michigan, Harry turns into an artist at night. Having conceptualized Bits & Pieces, he refers to his artwork as a ‘group of nerds’ that takes a bite out of life.

Drawing was his hobby since he was a child, but he did not pursue a career in the arts. Instead, he went into software engineering, which he considers a solid career.

Collaborating with Harry are two equally brilliant-minded and passionate individuals, Carly (taking up Ph.D. in Cancer Research) and Ali (taking up Ph.D. in Cryptography).

If you’re thinking you might find these comics difficult to understand, don’t worry at all. You don’t need to be a news freak or even a developer to get a better grasp of the issues presented by this trio.

Check their latest comic creations that we have compiled for you then carefully read each and notice their twisted endings. Continue browsing and surely, you will love all of these.

1. Everything falls: seasons, leaves, temperature, and even democracy.

1. Everything falls: seasons, leaves, temperature, and even democracy.

2. “Buster, is that you? Stop it!” Just when you thought all is just perfect during quarantine.

2. “Buster, is that you? Stop it!” Just when you thought all is just perfect during quarantine.

3. Whatever type of mask will do! This surgical operation is urgent.

3. Whatever type of mask will do! This surgical operation is urgent.

4. There is a changing room for that.

4. There is a changing room for that.

5. Security level: strong. This is how hard to get through your password.

5. Security level: strong. This is how hard to get through your password.

6. If Cyan isn't, who's the impostor then?

6. If Cyan isn't, who's the impostor then?

7. What "friends" are you talking about? Don't be so pretentious. You don't even have anyone on your "friends list"!

7. What

8. You said you didn't want fries.

8. You said you didn't want fries.

9. It's as simple as the word "password". Oldies don't want anything complicated.

9. It's as simple as the word

10. Just when the Ph.D. student is mistaken for a medical doctor.

10. Just when the Ph.D. student is mistaken for a medical doctor.

11. Online meetings this year be like: simply change the background and just wear something decent on top.

11. Online meetings this year be like: simply change the background and just wear something decent on top.

12. Are programmers more essential than doctors? Programmers are making this topic trending online.

12. Are programmers more essential than doctors? Programmers are making this topic trending online.

13. Which is which? Are you really testing to avoid cases, or testing to get actual cases?

13. Which is which? Are you really testing to avoid cases, or testing to get actual cases?

14. There are no merge conflicts. Perhaps love conquers all.

14. There are no merge conflicts. Perhaps love conquers all.

15. Exercising parental authority. This is how you get the full college experience at home.

15. Exercising parental authority. This is how you get the full college experience at home.

16. On job interviews: Interestingly, you belong in this place.

16. On job interviews: Interestingly, you belong in this place.

17. Just that easy. If job interviews were like dating apps.

17. Just that easy. If job interviews were like dating apps.

18. Never trust what you saw. That's the reason why you should always authenticate.

18. Never trust what you saw. That's the reason why you should always authenticate.

19. First in line but eliminated! There's an invisible hand that stops him from reaching the finish line.

19. First in line but eliminated! There's an invisible hand that stops him from reaching the finish line.

20. When everything in the system gets busted! Here's the reason behind some delays.

20. When everything in the system gets busted! Here's the reason behind some delays.

Now that you have seen these comics, how did you feel about them? All these have shown how witty the creators are.

You sure loved them all and had a good laugh at these comics. Most of the issues presented are highly relatable, especially that which touches on the pandemic that the world is facing right now.
