Here Are 50 Of The Funniest Bumper Stickers Found By Different People All Over The World
Humor is a superpower so let's harness and enjoy it

Superpowers include humor. It's a gift that never goes out, especially if you can truly make people laugh, smile, and chuckle until they have tears in their eyes.
To make people smile, though, you don't have to be skilled at conventional comedic forms like stand-ups or sketches. Really, all you need is an automobile, a little bravery, and a dash of inventiveness.
People, who enjoy a good laugh, have taken pictures of some of the most humorous, clever, and absurd images or real-world bumper stickers. They went ahead to share it with everyone on the internet and they also come as a surprise!
Similar to other signage, car bumper stickers only have a moment to leave an impression on the person viewing them. Thus, technical elements such as backdrop, color, and typeface matter.
Kerning, on the other hand, refers to the distance between letters, so the duration of the text and any visuals you utilize also matter! And that's on top of the joke itself.
Ideally, you should also input something so clever inside that it will make people laugh even in the darkest of circumstances. It will also draw more attention to your sticker, so sticker designers have a great deal on their minds.
So scroll down for a healthy dose of humor, as you may never know who you'll encourage to put something similar on their car.
1. Made Me Smile

2. Of All The Wise Bumper Stickers Out There

3. Most Amusing Family Stickers I’ve Seen

4. I Saw This Car Today

5. Stupid Bumper Sticker

6. Saw This Bumper Sticker During My Drive Around Town The Other Day

7. This Sticker On A Minivan. Even More Perfect

8. You Got It, Boss

9. Found This Bumper Sticker The Other Day

10. A Bumper Sticker I Saw In A Parking Lot

11. Best Teacher Bumper Sticker

12. A Bumper Sticker I Saw In My Travels Today

13. This Sticker On The Back Of This School Bus I Saw Today

14. This Passive-Aggressive Car Sticker

15. This Is Hilarious

16. I Made A Bumper Sticker

17. Epic Driver

18. A Candidate I Can Get Behind

19. Made This For The People On The Highway Who Won't Let Me Merge To Exit

20. All Important Concerns

21. So What Happens If You Find Someone Else With The Same Car And Bumper Sticker?

22. Best Bumper Sticker Troll

23. Best Bumper Sticker Ever

24. Bumper Sticker By Durex

25. The Sticker Rules, But Combined With The License Plate, It Is Even Better

26. Pspspsps

27. Can You Read?

28. This Is A Message I Can Get Behind

29. Honest Bumper Sticker

30. Quite Possibly My Favorite Bumper Sticker

31. Saw This Sticker On A Car A While Ago

32. Love Is Love

33. A Punny Bumper Sticker

34. This Bumper Sticker

35. In Case You Need To Connect While On The Road

36. Best Bumper Sticker/Placement I've Seen On A Car In A While

37. A Bumper Sticker That I Saw Today

38. What Would Jesus Do? Probably My Favorite Bumper Sticker I've Seen (Virginia, USA)

39. Finally, Put On My New Bumper Sticker

40. Just Had To Share This Gem

41. I Fixed The Car, Babe

42. Someone Carries These Stickers Around Just For This

43. This Bumper Sticker

44. Saw This Sticker On The Back Of A Car While Working, Definitely Had A Good Laugh

45. Someone Has To Drive The Babies

46. My Favorite Bumper Sticker Ever

47. This Bumper Sticker On My Campus

48. Saw This Bumper Sticker On My Way To Class Last Week

49. How To: Earn Free Bumper Stickers

50. Beware Of Alien Abduction

Jokes like this should be really succinct and obvious, as these two elements are fundamental to humor, powerful messages, and even clever social media posts. Which of these sticker designs made you chuckle the most?
Also, let us know which ones you would want to put on the bumper of your own vehicle by leaving your ideas in the comments section. Feel free to forward the funniest ones to your friends and family as well.