40 Hilarious Posts About Bizarre Baby Names That You Need To See Today

Do you ever wonder what went into some parents minds when you hear someone say their name?

  • Published in Funny
40 Hilarious Posts About Bizarre Baby Names That You Need To See Today

Names are powerful, and even in the first wee seconds of your birth, they can define your life. Some people name their kid Bless because they treat her as a blessing, some may decide to name their baby Victoria so that she will be victorious in life, and some may name a kid after a person from the Bible in hopes that they will, too, live a meaningful life.

Some parents truly take the naming process seriously, putting so much thought into what to name their child for months—because that's just how powerful it is. However, there are some others who don't even bother taking the time to come up with a well-thought-out name for their kid to be proud of once they grow up.

There are also parents in between, those who think too much of what to name their kids that it becomes borderline hilarious and...well, horrendous. Just imagine being born in 2020 and 15 years later, you realize that you have been named after the malevolent Coronavirus!

It's one thing to name your kid Karen or Steve in this particular era, but naming them for something "unique" is a whole other story. Some would try to twist the spelling of fairly common names, like transforming Kylie to Khaylee, and any other variation of some sort.

To top it all, there's an online community on Reddit where people come together and share stories and posts about unconventional names, and they are definitely a must-see! Take a look at some of the best posts in the group below.

1. Caberneigh actually sounds pretty great, for a horse, that is!

1. Caberneigh actually sounds pretty great, for a horse, that is!katyslittlefarm

2. What a clever way of saving an unborn kid from embarrassment for the next 20 years

2. What a clever way of saving an unborn kid from embarrassment for the next 20 yearsr/NameNerdCirclejerk

3. That's how it's supposed to be spelled!

3. That's how it's supposed to be spelled!MoonPie

4. She should've specified where the S goes

4. She should've specified where the S goesr/NameNerdCirclejerk

5. Normal is boring, they say, but sometimes normal is preferrable

5. Normal is boring, they say, but sometimes normal is preferrablethesulk

6. Please don't!

6. Please don't!r/NameNerdCirclejerk

7. Quite agree to the idea of naming future kids like someone from a sci-fi book

7. Quite agree to the idea of naming future kids like someone from a sci-fi bookr/NameNerdCirclejerk

8. Laundreigh Daiye

8. Laundreigh Daiyer/NameNerdCirclejerk

9. This only works for animals

9. This only works for animalsr/NameNerdCirclejerk

10. You would truly wonder what goes in their minds when they name their kids after something so random

10. You would truly wonder what goes in their minds when they name their kids after something so randomr/NameNerdCirclejerk

11. Not as weird as Krissmiss Dae

11. Not as weird as Krissmiss Daer/NameNerdCirclejerk

12. Named after a toilet

12. Named after a toiletr/NameNerdCirclejerk

13. This post is a whole rollercoaster

13. This post is a whole rollercoasterr/NameNerdCirclejerk

14. Why make it Jason when you could have *Jhayson*

14. Why make it Jason when you could have *Jhayson*r/NameNerdCirclejerk

15. Colin means victory and Chet is a typical "frat-boy" name. Go figure.

15. Colin means victory and Chet is a typical DaisyBard

16. Or maybe they just don't know how to spell Cassiopeia

16. Or maybe they just don't know how to spell Cassiopeiadrivingmemadi

17. Why would they make such a decision?

17. Why would they make such a decision?r/NameNerdCirclejerk

18. Your kids are not even a year old yet and they are already suffering

18. Your kids are not even a year old yet and they are already sufferingr/NameNerdCirclejerk

19. Classic Mean Girls line

19. Classic Mean Girls liner/NameNerdCirclejerk

20. Millennials and their obsession with the name suffix "-eigh"

20. Millennials and their obsession with the name suffix jillboard

21. Please thoroughly check the first few letters of the name

21. Please thoroughly check the first few letters of the namer/NameNerdCirclejerk

22. Kyodie, Coyote

22. Kyodie, Coyoter/NameNerdCirclejerk

23. How unlucky must he be?

23. How unlucky must he be?r/NameNerdCirclejerk

24. Better than K8lyn?

24. Better than K8lyn?r/NameNerdCirclejerk

25. Call him Riptide and end this mess

25. Call him Riptide and end this messr/NameNerdCirclejerk

26. Cursed names

26. Cursed namesTheCatWhisprer

27. G'day

27. G'dayr/NameNerdCirclejerk

28. Just phase it out

28. Just phase it outr/NameNerdCirclejerk

29. Here we go again with the excessive "-eigh"

29. Here we go again with the excessive r/NameNerdCirclejerk

30. Doomed from the start

30. Doomed from the startr/NameNerdCirclejerk

31. No comment

31. No commentr/NameNerdCirclejerk

32. Is this Korona's sister?

32. Is this Korona's sister?r/NameNerdCirclejerk

33. Why would you do that to a kid?

33. Why would you do that to a kid?r/NameNerdCirclejerk

34. Such a poor Babeigh...

34. Such a poor Babeigh...r/NameNerdCirclejerk

35. At this point they're just squeezing some letters together

35. At this point they're just squeezing some letters togetherr/NameNerdCirclejerk

36. Maybe it's Meighbelline

36. Maybe it's Meighbelliner/NameNerdCirclejerk

37. It's a millennial thing

37. It's a millennial thingr/NameNerdCirclejerk

38. Ratleen Mouseleigh

38. Ratleen Mouseleighr/NameNerdCirclejerk

39. Are these Peppa Pig's friends?

39. Are these Peppa Pig's friends?r/NameNerdCirclejerk

40. Caisle instead of Kyle? Hmm.

40. Caisle instead of Kyle? Hmm.r/NameNerdCirclejerk

You've probably heard of Kim Kardashian literally naming her kid North West—but let's face it, at this point, that actually sounds normal. Have you heard of any more bizarre names that people have named their kids?

Comment down your thoughts, or share this article for all your family and friends to see! Who knows...this might keep them from naming their kids with something that ends in "-eigh"!
