20+ Hilarious Posts That Will Perfectly Describe You And Your BFF

If ever something is going to make you say "OMG this is SO US" It's these posts.

  • Published in Funny
20+ Hilarious Posts That Will Perfectly Describe You And Your BFF

Everybody has that person that they would consider their BFF, the person you tell jokes to, complain to, or cry to when times are tough. And when you're scrolling through the pages and page of boring internet memes there's always one person who you know will enjoy the same stupid stuff you do. 

When those cute dogs or holiday photos make you wish you were laughing with that certain person, there's only one thing to do... flood their notifications with tags.

The list of posts compiled below is everything that you and your BFF need to tag each other in and share that OMG THIS IS US moment. Save them the million tag notifications and just let them see all of these great posts at once!

Be Prepared To Snort-Laugh!


They Wouldn't Be Your Bestie If You Didn't Put Up With Their Crap!


I Wonder How Many Chins I Can Give Myself?


A Boy? Oh No Girl Not Him...




You're Either My Best Friend, Or A Victim. So There's Really No Choice.


How Funny Meeting You Here Fellow Trouble Maker...
