50 Hilarious Memes Highlighting The Realities Of Adulting
Adulthood is really a turbulent experience that we all can't escape from!

Isn't it strange that many countries consider people over the age of 18 to be mature adults? It’s perfectly understandable that they are adults in the sense that they know what’s right and what’s wrong and they are permitted to vote, purchase liquor, or even get a home loan, but does that really make one a sensible adult?
Adult life is so much more than that, and it’s a stage so many people are already tired of, but then, there’s no going back. Obviously, some people consider the change to adulthood as an assortment of markers, such as finding a new line of work, creating some distance from their parents, getting hitched to their partner forever, and having children.
But then, we will see that for the majority of history, with the exception of the 1950s and '60s, individuals did not become adults in any sort of unexpected manner. As a matter of fact, many took such a long time to procure the idea or even keep away from it altogether, so much so that you could even make a case that nobody is actually an adult.
To show exactly how turbulent grown-up life is, we have gathered 50 of the most famous adult memes out there that just might make you realize a thing or two. So keep scrolling and remain entertained.
1. Mehn, I'm so old...

2. Okay, what's going on?

3. I'm officially at that age

4. I can so relate to this

5. Darn it!

6. But when it's taken, I want it back

7. Amazon reviews for light bulbs

8. Really? Me?

9. Adulthood is an extreme sport

10. I'm already high

11. My now adult hobbies

12. Lol

13. Lol... I really don't have the time

14. We can't start a movie late

15. You're officially an adult

16. A favorite stovetop burner

17. How to tell you're an adult

18. I'll just be smiling

19. Exciting perks of adulthood

20. I don't want to so leave me alone

21. And it hurts so much... Oh well

22. I don't even know the one I'm facing

23. Laying on a rock in the sun

24. This is going to be a long day

25. A little hint please

26. Me at 15 and me at 23

27. I am certainly thrilled

28. Different birthdays I guess

29. Feels so weird

30. Exactly

31. So on point

32. I'm here waiting for you...

33. Being excited to get in bed

34. Literally

35. What's next, more things?

36. I totally understand now, momma

37. Rearranging the grocery store

38. I definitely agree

39. Happens all the time

40. Hold it in!

41. Of course

42. How do people burn CDs?

43. Just let me be

44. Oh well

45. Still searching for ideas

46. Childhood vs adulthood

47. Exhausted but can't sleep

48. Lol... Breakdown

49. I'm emotional right now

50. Party time

The word "adulting" is something every grown-up passes through, and the young ones will probably flinch. The majority of you youngsters are currently in school, so you don't get a say in this, alright?
For the adults passing through adulthood, do tell us in the comments which of these memes you can totally relate to.