40+ Of The Wittiest Hiding Places Where People Have Been Keeping Their Stuff Over The Years
We're sharing 49 different hiding places and secret compartments that people have been using over the years.
- Published in Interesting
We know that for quite some time now people have been using hiding places and secret compartments to keep some of their most prized possessions safe from prying eyes and sticky fingers. Using various compartments and hidden rooms to place their stuff has definitely been used for centuries.
Secret passages in large medieval castles or hidden chambers in glorious Egyptian pyramids, there was always a need to hide your special belongings, something of great value to you. I reckon that we've really managed to develop a good hiding skill over all these years.
We'll be using some of the most popular from famous online communities on Reddit named, /rHiddenRooms, and r/SecretCompartments. I guess it's pretty self-explanatory when you see the names of the subreddits.
Both of them are full of hidden places and concealed spots that you won't really notice when you first see them. There are cliche book pulls, and wardrobes that look just like the entrance to Narnia, pretty cool if you ask me.
We've looked closely and taken some of the best hidden spots and secret passages from these two subreddits, and put them together to create a list of 49 of the best ones. Let's begin and see what the coolest places people have shared on Reddit!
1. Probably off to Ollivander's to get a wand
ellasecretstreet2. It's just an adult's dream to have stuff like this
consuelojorge.com3. Entrance to Narnia!
souper_soups4. This boy's a genius
BitchLibrarian5. Very unique, I must say
danderson3026. You can't even notice it
MrPestana7. That looks spacious
Unclestanky8. Lots of Harry Potter themed passages on here
Tyronne439. That's a beautiful touch
ShawnSaturday10. Imagine having this as a kid... Or as an adult
Satoshis_Dragon11. Hope it's cooling down there
i_feel_the_need_12. Looks like a winery
PredatorAvPFan13. Always a good hiding spot
salc34714. Hamster-size room
Andreas2Leetsar15. Looks like a perfect place to have some alone time
marcbaechtold16. It's... beautiful
shashank_g0917. Going Through The Door
johnnybegood32018. A place for sleeping on a plane
Ckilp19. They're having the time of their lives
eCHIg20. Good hiding spot for sure
topsecretfurniture.com21. Doesn't everyone need something like this?
merryberries4422. Another one!
Courtney Bonnet23. Just go through the bookshelf when you need some good whisky
JoeHayhoe24. Imagine going here after a rough day to chill for a while
Waylanxa25. Everybody needs some privacy while working
Unclestanky26. I would be as satisfied as this guy upon completion
Maxatron400027. Looks like something a hobbit could use
rain_only28. Gotta love that extra space
Infinite_Damage29. Big fan of something like this
ooboontoo30. Something you would see from a top secret agent
Unclestanky31. Who would've thought there's a door here?
UnoBang32. Very convenient as well
i_feel_the_need_33. This dad is a hero
mossberg9134. Is there a dungeon down there?
souper_soups35. Convenience shop in Bali has this cool secret passage
dippis9836. I believe everyone would want a spot like this
VooDoo_Mafia2437. Still in progress but looks great
jaime62838. This looks like a ritual spot
dustyrags39. Just a beautiful home theatre
thatdandygoodness40. Another unique proposal right here
nhertz2241. Could prove to be useful...
instructables.com42. That's definitely what you want to stash
RynningInThe80s43. It's something little like this that makes this wooden wall that much better
Meteorsaresexy44. Imagine your dad building your secret office
rayenicely45. This rock climbing room has some cool features
TheManRoomGuy46. Every guy wants a hidden mancave
Dio-V47. Cool feature under the sink
heIIoooo48. A dream for people working from home
_Ziggy_Played_Guitar49. Not really hidden, but could be hidden easily
LockPickingPilotThese were 49 different hidden rooms, secret passages, and concealed compartments that we've found. There are also more posted regularly, so you should check out the subreddits if you want to see more of this.
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